Yang Zi's photo shows Xiaolu, fair-skinned, fragrant shoulders, fair-loo...

On the 28th, the famous actress Yang Zi released a childish and charming photo shoot. In the picture, Yang Zi wears a black leather jacket with white fleece type camisole, wears a bear necklace cool drag casual, her pretty face beautiful, coiffed hair styled modern, revealing white shoulders and swan neck, youthful and energetic expression.

Yang Zi wore a black wrap white shirt, her pretty face is clear and elegant, thick eyebrows, big eyes, vermilion lips, modern coiffure, her crooked head hands fiddling with earrings, beautiful to the heart!

Yang Zi wore a black leather jacket with a white fleece type camisole, a white helmet and a bear necklace, she fiddled with the helmet chain with both hands, absolutely beautiful!

Yang Zi wearing a black and white patterned top, her pretty face clear, delicate features, bright eyes, coiffure modern, this actress sitting on the pink carpet, breathtakingly beautiful!

Yang Zi wearing a black and white patterned top, her pretty face clear and beautiful, delicate features, closed eyes, red lips and white teeth, coiffure modern, she lies on the pink carpet, holding a flower button in one hand to play on her face, a slight smile is very charming!
