"Auspicious Seven Seasons" starring Yang Chaoyue and Ding Yuxi is tentat...

The net reveals Akiyoshi summer, Yang beyond, Ding Yuxi starring "seven auspicious" tentatively scheduled for broadcast in mid to late July, looking forward to it?

The original thought is Cheng Yi "Lotus House" to take over the "long wind ferry", but look at the current Aiki Yi opening screen animation has arranged the "seven auspicious" poster, it seems to be the first lift "seven auspicious"!

But the specific broadcast or not is still unknown, wait for the official announcement it ~

The "seven auspicious" positioning infinite flow of light comedy! Seven lives of love in each life is set to be extremely good look!

Seven life settings are:

The empress and the sidekick

demon king and demon girl

Young girl and teenager

Fairy and war god

Disciple and Master

The princess and the general

Princess and general

Aiki's signature now is to start with light comedy to stabilize the audience. This drama currently has over 2 million reservations, will this figure also be stable ?

The same stellar gravity drama, last year's "Canglan Secrets" unexpectedly exploded, "Seven Times Lucky" will also explode? Do you think it will be good?
