The group speech said that Wang Yibo worked so hard to film and was inju...

When Wang Yibo was shooting the movie "Warm", a group actor revealed that he didn't expect Wang Yibo would be so hardworking, even if his leg was injured, he didn't say a word.

The specific situation is, Wang Yibo in the filming process, because there is a large number of dance movements need to do, inevitably will be injured, but he himself endured the pain, will not say, with the other actors together, to complete the entire shooting process.

The group actor talked about the details, said Wang Yibo, the body in front of the left foot knee injury, the back, the right foot ankle place is also injured.

Among them, after the knee injury, the need to have some Weiya upside down scene, do more than an hour, shot 12 times, there are five times people lying on the ground can not move.

There is also the action of shooting upside down head turn, the whole person should be congested state, or by the staff around to help back to the hotel.

This may be only a part of the process of group performance participation, not all, in short, is a word, he is really very hard work.

Some people can be red, with a lucky, more people are red for so long, indeed, there is strength and toughness in the body, Wang Yibo only do not say, line is better than words, will get so many people like him.

This is also why people who have worked with him will change their opinion of him, but will like him more.

If the group actor had not said this, perhaps no one would have known, and he is not the kind of person who likes to sell his misery, never can say as little as possible, or even will not say.

There are definitely people who say that as an actor, even in any industry, there are things that can happen to be injured, there is no need to say it, and indeed, since Wang Yibo does not say it, it is because public opinion has always been less friendly to this large flow, and there is no need to say it.

But so many people are creating topics on some other things, because Wang Yibo foot injury, that's why we rarely see Wang Yibo dancing in this is street dance season 5 show, which is right on the number.

In fact, Wang Yibo is in a very good state during the shooting process, the whole person is smiling every day, because he said, this is something he loves, so he will persist and will be quite happy.

We all like Wang Yibo dance, very infectious, but did not know that the stage a minute off the stage ten years of work, only those who have experienced it know the hardships behind the effort.

In fact, Wang Yibo leg injury, has not been a good rest with the treatment, only to have in the airport after getting off, often walk with a limp, was said by many people laughing, estimated to sit in the car to sit to the legs numb, now think about the old injury is not healed it.

A netizen said that after the knee injury, the meniscus second degree damage, after various treatments, two and a half years to get well, heard Wang Yibo this situation, plus his work schedule is quite full, there is not much time to treatment, really some heartache up.

This time at the closing ceremony of the Shanghai Film Festival, we also saw Wang Yibo dancing on the stage, but did not know that his knee was still wearing a knee brace.

I didn't think Wang Yibo would be so desperate, red is really good, but red to Wang Yibo this, really that good? Anyway, after hearing so much, I am a little heartbroken.

Now Wang Yibo's shooting of this play "enthusiastic" will be released, we do not need to say much, support him into the theater to see the movie!

Actions speak louder than words, Wang Yibo you are worth it, very worth it! #Wang Yibo
