The news that "Sauvignon Blanc" released a series of posters for wedding...

# Crazy Movie Season Summer Special

Yang Zi's new drama "Changxiang Si" is one of the pending costume dramas that has attracted the attention of netizens. In the early publicity, netizens have expressed their expectations for this drama. One of the reasons for concern is because of the starring role of Yang Zi, in the 90s among the popular small flowers, Yang Zi is now really red and purple. For the post-90s "four small flower girl" title, although there are several different versions, but each version of the figure of Yang Zi, it is clear how high her position in the hearts of many netizens.

In addition to Yang Zi's starring role, there is also the appealing plot of this drama. Although the overall story line of ancient puppet dramas is similar, the story of the fairy who suffers and becomes a mortal on earth, always gives a sense of déjà vu. But "Changxiang Si" has a distinctive feature. Many ancient puppet dramas have a happy ending in which a handsome man and a beautiful woman end up with a perfect love. The story is not only about letting go of love, but also about the sublimation of the theme of the story, which is that love is not the only thing that is greatest in front of the family and society.

The overall cast of this drama also has Zhang Lanyi, Deng Wei, Tan Jianji and a host of other stars to join, it is more absorbing.

A few days ago, "Changxiang Si" released a set of wedding dress series posters, stills in the beautiful and stunning costume design, coupled with Yang Zi's pure and elegant graceful image, immediately triggered many netizens' hot debate. The release of the posters also means that "Changxiang Si" will be aired in the near future. Such news is happier for Yang Zi's fans than the arrival of any festival.

Many netizens praised Yang Zi for her ancient costume of big red wedding dress. The increasingly mature Yang Zi, the ability to harness the red color is also very strong. The skin is fair, and red clothes reflect, not only beautiful and dignified, but also add a few elegant atmosphere. I'm afraid that the real fairy is just like this. Seeing that the producer is so attentive to the creation and promotion, as well as the effect of "Changxiang Si" first fire before broadcast, I believe that the broadcast will not disappoint the majority of netizens.

Are you looking forward to the airing of "Changxiang Si"? What do you think about Yang Zi's wedding costume? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.
