The prosperity index of dramas to be broadcast "Yu Gu Yao" reached the t...

Every day I look forward to the new drama scheduled, so I always pay attention to the De Tavern Pending Drama Scene Index (referred to as the Pending Drama Scene Index), in the latest ranking, Xiao Zhan, Ren Min and other cooperation "Jade Bone Yao" topped the list, ranked first, the interest hot spot is the summer season, yes, I wonder how many people are looking forward to this drama? Destined to be a big fire of the play, Xiao war in the play when the shadow is how many people dream of wanting to see ah, look forward to his arrival, hope to meet him soon, you look forward to this play?

In second place is the "seven auspicious", interest hot is the appointment, this is an ancient immortal drama, the official blog released a new high number of appointments poster, caused the audience audience, this drama is led by Yang beyond, Ding Yuxi, adapted from the novel "a moment of impulse, seven lives of ominous", mainly about the small immortal Xiang Yun and immortal monarch of the first air of the two yin and yang of the seven lives of love, the two main actors are also small like The two main actors are also my favorite artists, so I also look forward to this drama soon to set the file.

The day after the light" because of the slotting in the third place, this drama is led by Guo Jingfei, Ren Min, Wang Yuan invited to star in a drama, mainly about the character of different teenagers in the road of youth to find the goal of struggle and the courage to pursue the dream of the story, so the type of drama you look forward to?

The "long acacia" and "scorching wind flow" were ranked in the fourth and fifth, these two plays are also quite enough to see, there are my favorite artists starring, Yang Zi and Jing Tian are acting superb female artists, Zhang Lanyi, Deng for, Tan Jianji is also handsome teenagers, look very eye-catching, I am a little worried about Feng Shaofeng, will not bring some bad remarks to the "scorching wind flow", in any case, I hope the plot to give some strength, it. The same expectation.

To be broadcast drama scenery index: "Jade bone remote" topped, "seven auspicious" ranked second! Which drama are you looking forward to? You can leave a message in the comment section.
