At the age of 24, Xiao Zhan participated in the draft from an amateur to...

As an actor, Xiao Zhan is undoubtedly successful.

With the popularity of "The Sea of Dreams" and "Jade Bone Remote", Xiao Zhan has not only been praised by the CCTV, but also ushered in another small peak in his career.

Who would have thought that Xiao Zhan, who acts naturally and superbly in the drama, is actually not from the science class? I have to say, he is really very suitable for acting, is definitely the type of God chasing after the reward food.

01, from vegetarian to debut, all the way up is not easy!

Before the age of 24, Xiao Zhan was just a young man trying to work hard, doing his favorite design work. How could he have ever imagined that a few years later, he would actually become a member of the show business.

"Gold shines wherever it is", this phrase is really appropriate to describe Xiao Zhan. During his college years, he was the "windy senior" in the hearts of many younger students, and he was a very artistically gifted teenager.

As long as the school held a singing competition, you can see Xiao Zhan's wonderful performance. It is because of his active participation, as well as rich stage experience, for his later participation in talent shows, accumulated more experience.

In 2015, Blue Stage held a "Burning! At the age of 24, under the recommendation of his teacher, Xiao Zhan took part in the talent show, which has rewritten his life ever since.

At that time, Xiao Zhan had already graduated from university and had been working in the society for some time, with a simple idea: while young, it is a good experience to change a kind of environment and experience a different life.

Under great pressure, Xiao Zhan became a member of "Burn! Junior". Compared with his peers, Xiao Zhan does not have an advantage and is not favored by his boss.

At the age of 24, he is already an "older male youth" in the entertainment industry; he is not from a specialized class and does not have solid basic skills. But even so, Xiao Zhan did not want to give up.

In order to practice the dance, he practiced over and over again when the other students were taking a break, until the cover between his toes fell off. Fortunately, Xiao finally stood out with his hard work and perseverance.

In the end, Xiao Zhan became a member of the "X Nine Youth Group". The moment he became a member of the group, it means that Xiao Zhan's successful debut, he may really have to say goodbye to the past life.

02, from the digital event to the eight seconds of the red sea, the pain and grievance only know themselves!

Even if the group debut, the company to Xiao Zhan's resources are not very good. There is no way, he can only rely on a passion, in the film and television circle slowly crawling.

Until he came across the "Order of the Love of Chen", in which he played the role of the "old man of Yiling" Wei Wuxian, who was criticized by everyone. From the youthful wantonness and brightness, to the later blackened, Xiao Zhan portrayed the character vividly.

This drama is considered to have established Xiao Zhan's position in the film and television circle. With this role, he burst into flames in the summer of 2019.

Originally, it was thought that Xiao Zhan's acting road would get better and better in the future. Who would have thought that in 2020, he experienced the "digital incident", which was the darkest period of his life.

For a long time, there was no news about him. There are many netizens who speculate: Xiao Zhan should be the same as all the "net violence" actors, since then retired from the circle, return to the life of a vegetarian.

But in fact, not appear in the public eye of the day, Xiao Zhan are in serious thinking, trying to improve themselves. In order to one day stand on the stage again, to prove themselves!

At a certain event, Xiao Zhan and fans dream linkage, created the entertainment industry so far unrivaled "eight seconds red sea". On the stage, Xiao Zhan's corner of the eye moist, he and the fans of this two-way run, let everyone shocked. Therefore, everyone said: Xiao Zhan, is the first in the entertainment from hell "kill" back to the star.

Those difficult days were finally over! No one knows what kind of torment Xiao Zhan went through in those days, but fortunately everything has passed!

03, was named by CCTV, Xiao Zhaoban finally bitter sweet!

After the digital incident, Xiao Zhan has changed, he is no longer just into the circle when the ignorant teenager. This experience has made him mature and strict.

Of course, it also made him more aware that if he wants to walk steadily in the entertainment industry, he needs not only excellent acting skills, but also a strong psychological quality.

The broadcast of "The Rest of Your Life" has allowed Xiao Zhan to once again gain a large number of fans. He has even become a "national husband", and everyone hopes to meet a husband like "Gu Wei".

Immediately after that, Xiao Zhan was involved in the tour of the CCTV version of "Dreams of a Dream" without stopping. Unlike theater, drama is a live broadcast, and the requirements for acting and line skills are much higher.

In "Like a Dream", Xiao Zhan plays patient number five. Those who have seen the play have praised his acting skills, and he was able to memorize so many lines energetically throughout the play, acting
