"Sauvignon Blanc" officially announced that Yang Zi will lead the leadin...

Recently, the ancient costume romance drama "Long Xiang Si", co-produced by Penguin Film and Star Lotus Film, has officially announced its finalization, and will meet the audience on July 24th. The drama is produced by Fang Fang, with Li Liming and Tang Panjing as chief producers, directed by Qin Hazel and Yang Huan, and starring Yang Zi, Zhang Evening Yi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with a special starring role for Tan Jianji.

Based on Tong Hua's novel of the same name, "Long Xiang Si" features Yang Zi's much-anticipated performance as the heroine Xiao Yao. With her years of acting experience and in-depth understanding of characters, Yang Zi has successfully portrayed many beloved characters. How she will portray the complex character of Xiaoyao this time is highly anticipated.

Zhang Wan Yi plays the role of a tinkling of gems, the emperor of the divine race, with an overlooking and unquestioning majesty between his eyes. He can be easy-going, gentle and smiling, but he can also be ruthless and cold-blooded. Zhang Wan Yi's acting skills are highly recognized, and he has shown excellent acting skills in many roles. It is believed that he will present a vivid characterization for the audience in this drama.

Deng Wei plays Tu Shan Jing, another important character in Xiao Yao's life. As Siaoyao has a complex personality with inner conflicts, it is expected how Deng Wei will grasp the characteristics of this character.

Special mention should be made of the fact that Kenji Tang will be starring in the special lead role of the drama. As a powerful actor, Dang Jianji is loved by the audience for his excellent acting skills and unique temperament. His addition to the cast will undoubtedly add more points of interest to "Long Xiang Si".

As a costume drama, "Long Xiang Si" will lead the audience into a world full of romance and emotions. The drama strives for excellence in production, with costumes, props and scenes highlighting the sense of history and the times. Meanwhile, the soundtrack of the drama is also very elaborate, aiming to create an immersive viewing experience for the audience.

The official announcement of the finalization of "Long Xiang Si" has attracted a lot of attention from the general public. Overall, "Long Xiang Si" is a highly anticipated costume romance drama. Supported by a strong cast and superb production level, the drama quickly attracted widespread attention after its official announcement. We are looking forward to the July 24th broadcast of "Long Xiang Si" to bring the audience a visual and spiritual feast, and at the same time show the unique charm of the ancient costume romance drama. Let's look forward to the broadcast of this drama and witness the growth and emotional entanglements of Xiaoyao, Xiangliu,玱玹, 山璟, and other characters, as well as feel the struggles of ancient family and human nature.
