Why does Wang Yibo eat live shrimp

Wang Yibo is a popular young actor and singer who has won the hearts of many fans with his outstanding acting skills and unique charisma. In an interview, Wang Yibo talked about why he likes to eat live shrimp.

Wang Yibo said that he has been very fond of seafood since he was a child, especially live shrimp. For him, eating live shrimp is not only a kind of culinary enjoyment, but also an attitude towards life. He said: "I like to try new things and challenge myself. Eating live shrimp is a challenge for me because it requires a certain amount of skill and patience to handle."

In addition to challenging his courage and skills, Wang Yibo also said that eating live shrimp can give him a refreshing feeling. He said, "Live shrimp has a refreshing flavor and tastes great. And its meat is also very tasty, making people feel very satisfied after eating it."

Finally, Wang Yibo also shared some of his unique insights on eating live shrimp. He said, "Eating live shrimp is not just about filling your stomach, it's a culture and lifestyle. In my opinion, eating live shrimp can give me a better understanding of the world and a better appreciation of the beauty in life."

In short, Wang Yibo likes to eat live shrimp not only because of its delicious taste and texture, but also because of the attitude towards life and cultural connotation it represents. Whether in terms of challenging one's courage and skills, or in terms of feeling the beauty of life, eating live shrimp is a new thing worth trying.
