Yang Zi responds to her facial features flying around and criticizes act...

Recently, the costume drama "Long Xiang Si" starring Yang Zi is now on air, in which she was beaten, tortured and suffered a lot, presenting a heartbreaking and tragic image. The topic triggered heated discussions among netizens, including comments from marketing organizations that Yang Zi's performance was too exaggerated, even describing it as "five senses flying around". In response, she responded that she does not believe that you can cry without expression when you are in great pain.

The drama's "Yang Zi's one-shot crying scene" and "Yang Zi's pearl tears" have aroused the audience's resonance and discussion. However, there are also comments that the plot is clichéd, the character concepts are outdated, and the acting skills are too flimsy, which pointed out that Yang Zi's performance is too pompous and she lacks in-depth understanding of the character. These comments were undoubtedly a challenge for Yang Zi, especially as a veteran actress of many years, she was accused of not finding her acting form, resulting in an unnatural performance that disappointed the audience.

However, Yang Zi does not share this view. In an interview, she responded to the topic of "crying with all five senses", saying that she does not believe that she can cry without expression when she encounters great pain. She emphasized that she doesn't care whether she cries beautifully or not when she is acting, and she believes that real viewers will watch her carefully and understand that she is trying to express her character's inner world.

Netizens gave positive feedback to Yang Zi's response. Many believe that it is impossible for an actor to perfectly manage their expressions at all times when they are having an emotional outburst. Acting is different from a red carpet runway show, where every frame needs to be framed and posed, but rather, it needs to be genuine and allow the audience to empathize. Actors are more concerned with conveying real emotions rather than pursuing superficial beauty.

In the acting circle, in the face of all kinds of criticism and evaluation, actors need to maintain sincerity and perseverance, and use strength to prove their acting skills and strength. Yang Zi's response also shows her serious attitude and confidence in acting. After all, an actor's duty is not only to interpret a role, but also to convey emotions and touch the hearts of the audience. No matter when, actors should stick to themselves and keep their love and focus on acting, only then can they win the audience's recognition and respect.
