Yang Zi's new drama "Long Lovesickness" was so popular that she disguise...

Top stream actress Yang Zi and actor Zhang Evening Yi, Tan Jianji, Wang Hongyi, Deng for the five-cornered sadistic ancient costume new play "Long Xiang Si", a start on the broadcast of the original occupies the No. 1 Chengyi "Lotus House" crowded down, directly on the drama hot list of the champion, Yang Zi's acting has also received a lot of praise. She played the role of "Min Xiaoliu" in the beginning of the movie, which is full of the atmosphere of the townspeople. Not only did she speak directly, but she also took a big bite out of her meal and squatted down in the street, not afraid to look ugly.

Yang Zi in the "long time love" in the early Qingshui town doctor "Min Xiao Liu" appeared, later will return to the high Xin country princess "Gao Xin Jiu Yao" identity, in the first few episodes of the highlights of the film, Yang Zi in order to play a good "Min Xiao Liu" first of all to the director said: "I now the role of the state of affairs should be the middle-aged, and to paint a little darker. She was even shaking her feet and holding a toothpick in her mouth during the filming of the scene, in order to let herself leave the image of an actress and devote herself to the role, and in one of the scenes where she was sitting on a rattan chair and fell to the ground, she even fell for real, and the way she fell on the small stone floor seemed to be very painful, and her screams were even more realistic.

Although many people criticized Yang Zi's dark circles and swollen face because of her costume and the overly natural filters in the drama, as the drama progressed, she was captured and beaten, and in her despair, she didn't cry at the top of her lungs about the injustice of her fate, but only blurted out in a sour-eyed manner, "I'm just an outcast, unable to protect myself, with no one to rely on, and with no place to go. The audience felt her helplessness and sadness, so as the drama became more exciting, netizens' discussion focused more on her acting skills than her looks, but some suggested that "Min Xiao Liu" is supposed to be a person who needs to fight for her life, and her woeful situation is completely in line with the character's setting.

Netizens have been discussing Yang Zi's acting skills in "Long Xiang Si" quite a bit, "The novel was turned into a drama, the degree of restoration is quite high, and Yang Zi's acting skills have been given a pass." "Yang Zi's acting skills have always been a no-brainer." "Seeing Yang Zi's feet shaking even when she is waiting for the scene, she is a dedicated uncle, no wonder the scene looks good." "When I saw the footage of Yang Zi falling off the chair, I felt heartbroken." "Originally, I thought it was a random puppet show, but Yang Zi's acting skills made the show stand up." However, some netizens thought, "There are too many male characters, but it distracts from the focus of the emotional scenes, which is a pity."
