Wang Yibo participated in the Symposium on the Construction of Professio...

Recently, a symposium on the professional ethics of radio and television literature and art workers was held at the Beijing Radio and Television Building, and many famous actors and actresses were invited to attend, among which, the arrival of young actor Wang Yibo drew widespread attention. With his unique style and talent, Wang Yibo is gradually making a name for himself in the movie and television industry. His participation in the symposium on professional ethics in broadcasting and television demonstrated his deep understanding of and high regard for professional ethics.

Wang Yibo's speech at the symposium was deeply resonant

He emphasized, "As actors, every move we make affects the public's values, so it is all the more important for us to consciously adhere to our professional ethics while maintaining a high moral character." This is not only his personal view, but also his expectation for the entire acting profession. He believes that every performer should be clear about his or her social responsibility, and through good professional ethics, he or she should positively guide and influence the audience and transmit positive energy to the society.

When it comes to the influence of movie and television works on young people, Wang Yibo expressed a strong sense of responsibility. He emphasized, "Works for youth audiences must have correct values and moral orientation. Commercial value cannot replace social value." He insisted that when choosing works, he not only focuses on whether the characters are suitable for his interpretation, but also whether the works possess positive social values and can guide the audience to shape correct values.
The symposium has had a far-reaching impact on the construction of professional ethics in the broadcasting system. As a representative of young actors, Wang Yibo's remarks sparked widespread resonance. His views are innovative and thoughtful, showing his deep understanding and unique insights into professional ethics.

His actions proved that he is not only a talented actor, but also an outstanding citizen with a sense of social responsibility.

Wang Yibo's speech inspired the resonance of many people in the acting industry. They generally agreed that a good actor should not only have professional acting skills, but also must have high professional ethics. Only in this way can they make greater contributions to the progress and development of society.

Wang Yibo's behavior is also profoundly affecting his fans. His fans have said that they will follow Wang Yibo's steps and actively participate in public welfare to deliver more positive energy to the society. They will also incorporate the concept of professional ethics advocated by Wang Yibo into their own lives and studies, and constantly improve themselves to be dedicated, honest and full of love.

Wang Yibo's participation in the Broadcasting Professional Ethics Symposium is not only his personal honor, but also an encouragement and inspiration to all performers. He is influencing people around him through his words and deeds, and is also passing it on to the general audience. He proves with practical actions that the value of an actor lies not only in the success of his works, but also in his ability to guide the audience through correct values and contribute to the development of society.
