Wang Yibo's shoulder-shaking dance once again became popular in circles ...

Wang Yibo is a multi-talented entertainer. He not only has outstanding performance in the entertainment industry, but also shows his talent in dancing, racing and hosting. With his exquisite dancing skills, he won the hearts of the audience in "The Order of Chen Emotion" and gradually rose to prominence in the entertainment industry.

Wang Yibo's dancing talent is highly regarded, and his performance in "This is Street Dance" captured the hearts of countless dance lovers. His dance works quickly spread on the Internet, and many people competed to imitate his dance steps. Among them, the ultra-casual dance he released last year caused a huge sensation, and this year's shoulder-shaking dance has made him the center of heated debate once again. The dance is not only a shocking dance, but also has a great sense of power that makes Trumpers eager to try it.

The topic of the shoulder shake dance quickly topped the hot search list, and its popularity once reached 8 million. However, the popularity of the Internet was just as fleeting. Apart from some dancers who had studied hard before, many people just imitated the movements and did not master the technique well. This caused a lot of controversy in the comment section. Since almost no one could surpass Wang Yibo's level of dancing, the comment section was filled with viewers who were critical of other bloggers' moves, arguing that their dance poses weren't as casual as Wang Yibo's, that they didn't have the power, and that they didn't look good. Adequate. Some comments even argued that it was impossible to judge the dance without comparing it to Wang Yibo.

In the comment section of other celebrity dance videos, there may not be so many discordant remarks, but this is often the case in the comment section of Wang Yibo's shoulder shaking dance. Many people learn the shoulder shaking dance not to compare with Wang Yibo, but just out of their love and support for him. What they want is warmth, recognition, support and joy, not a comment section filled with all kinds of disparaging and mocking remarks.

As a passerby viewer, it is very rude to comment on other people's performance at will. Of course, there are those who believe that uploading a piece of work requires you to accept comments from netizens. But no matter who you are, when you share a dance video, you expect to receive praise and encouragement. Just like interactions in life, compliments can make people's lives better.

However, some Wang Yibo fans do just the opposite. They use it as an excuse to belittle others and mock other bloggers. Even though they praise Wang Yibo, they tend to invite some negative comments about him. Sensible fans will understand what the right comments should be. So I would like to ask you all, do you really know what you are talking about?

Anyway, for those who are brave enough to share their dances, they deserve more support and encouragement rather than unnecessary criticism. Let's be kind to everyone who shows their talent to the world and face the diversity of dance and art with understanding and tolerance

