Xiao Zhan and "CCTV" have reached a strategic cooperation. The trilogy h...

Recently, the Internet frequently reported Xiao Zhan and Bai Baihe starred in the new drama "the sun with me" to be in the "CCTV" star, or prime time, unknowingly, Xiao Zhan starred in the hit drama "trilogy" are "CCTV" selected, want to flirt with Xiao Zhan, this is a "CCTV" and "CCTV" reached a strategic cooperation? It is worth mentioning that the official "CCTV" also frequently implied Xiao Zhan, from time to time recommended Xiao Zhan starring works and stage, Xiao Zhan is too platonic, but also very favored.

It is reported that Xiao Zhan seems to have reached a strategic cooperation with "CCTV", accompanied by the only surviving new drama "the proud sun accompanies me" in the "CCTV" on the star of the prime time, Xiao Zhan has three plays are all selected by "CCTV", respectively, "Douluo continent", "the dream of the sea" and "the proud sun accompanies me". For Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan is an excellent strength actor, debut so many years ago, Xiao Zhan every performance has not let the audience disappointed. What's more, Xiao Zhan has always worked hard, and with hard work comes achievement and respect and recognition from everyone.

From the reaction of the fans, we have been seeing the hot topic about the "proud sun with me" scheduled, can't wait to wait for a definite official announcement, too miss Xiao Zhan's work. In addition, some fans are also too ruthless, bluntly said that I hope to Xiao Zhan 365 days a year, "tied to" the crew to shoot at ease, only on his birthday to Xiao Zhan to take a vacation! I have to say this is also too funny, from the side to see everyone especially trust and love Xiao Zhuo's work.

Anyway, bless Xiao Zhan, see nowadays acting career red-hot Xiao Zhan, very happy and excited. Compared with the past, Xiao Zhan has completely come out, Xiao Zhan has stood the test, is a trustworthy and expected strength actor and positive energy idol.

Xiao Zhan's future is promising.
