Xiao Zhan's partner, the new drama after the movie is officially set, an...

#Entertainment Explosion Point Program, Phase II#

On August 29th, the official microblogging site of the TV series "The Sun is with Me" released content stating that it is officially scheduled to meet on September 1st: "Encountering each other again in circles, the thumping hearts are all traceable; uncertainty is replaced by bravery, and we are in the same frequency in loving and being loved".

The drama, which began filming in 2022 and filmed its greening special in February of this year, is a modern urban drama written by Li Xiao and directed by Song Xiaofei; starring Xiao Zhan, Bai Baihe, Xiang Hanzhi, Tian Yu and Zhu Zhu. The drama is oriented to workplace life and tells the story of two people who help each other and support each other in their lives and relationships, and ultimately succeed in metamorphosing into better selves, and it's worth noting that: it's slated to be broadcast on Central 8 TV, folding many people have very high expectations for the weight of this drama.

In terms of the cast, Bai Baihe is a very good actress who graduated from the science class, with representative works such as 33 Days of Lost Love, Demon Catching and Surgical Storm, etc. She won the Best Actress Award of Hundred Flowers Award, Outstanding Actress of Golden Horse Award, Best Actress of Magnolia, Best Actress of Hurt International Film Festival, Best Actress of Changchun Film Festival, Best Actress of International Chinese Film Festival, etc. with her excellent acting skills and sweet appearance. Chinese Film Festival Best Actress and other awards. In addition to Bai Baihe's excellent acting skills, her love life with Chen Yufan has also attracted a lot of attention, and her appearance in the drama "The Proud Sun Accompanies Me" is also a test of her acting skills.

The other star, Xiao Zhan, has already had three dramas this year, namely The Sea of Dreams, Jade Bone Remote, and now The Sun of Pride. Unlike Bai Baihe, Xiao Zhan was originally a member of a boy band, but he has continued to try to transform himself from a love bean into an actor, and has starred in dramas such as The Dueling Cangdao, Qing Yu Nian, and The Order of the Love of Chen.

These dramas are the history of Xiao Zhan's growth. When he first started acting, the outside world questioned him a lot, thinking that his acting skills shouldn't be too good as he transformed from a love bean and didn't go through any professional and systematic training, but Xiao Zhan kept breaking through, trying various styles of roles and dramas, and he gained a better reputation in two dramas that have already been aired this year.

This time, Xiao Zhan and Bai Baihe, such a queen level actress partner, rivalry will naturally be very exciting, has not been officially aired, the major platforms on the heat has been very high, and, this is already the CCTV pushed Xiao Zhan's second drama, but also enough to see his strength.
