Yang Zi's new drama "Long Lovesickness" follows the drama and let's talk...

Recently, I've been chasing Yang Zi's TV series "Long Xiang Si", and I've known Yang Zi since she played the role of "Xia Xue" in "Children of the Family", and so many years have passed since then.

Yang Zi is now a well-known actress in mainland China, and her representative works include but are not limited to the following TV dramas: "Long Xiang Si", "Family with Children", "Battle in Changsha", "Ode to Joy", "Xiang Mi Sinking Ashes Like Frost", "Dear, Love", "Sinking Fragrance Like Scraps", "Green Clouds Zhi", and "The Rest of Your Life, Please Teach Me More", to name just a few. In these works, Yang Zi portrayed each character deeply through her natural acting skills and delicate performance, winning wide recognition from the audience.

In "Long Xiang Si", Yang Zi's role as "Min Xiao Liu/ Xiao Yao" demonstrated her solid foundation in costume dramas, perfectly presenting the character's kindness, resilience, independence, bravery, ability to solve problems on her own, and strength in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

In "Family with Children", she played "Xiao Xue", showing her innocent, cute, smart and witty side, which was deeply loved by the audience.

In "Battle in Changsha", she played "Hu Xiangxiang", a woman with a tough character and a sense of justice in her heart, which showed the diversity and strength of her acting skills.

In "Ode to Joy", she played "Qiu Yingying", who was a bit naive, but her kindness, bravery and perseverance made her memorable to the audience.

In "Xiangmi Sinking Ashes Like Frost", she played "Jinfu", a naïve and uninitiated woman, and through her delicate performance, Yang Zi expressed her character's inner emotions to the fullest, which made people deeply moved.

In "Dear, Lovely", she played "Tong Nian", a smart, cute and kind girl, which showed Yang Zi's individuality in characterization.

In "Sinking Fragrance", she played "Yan Tan", a strong, brave and kind woman, showing people another breakthrough in Yang Zi's characterization.

In short, Yang Zi is a highly recognized powerhouse actress who delivers a natural, subtle performance and is able to express her character's inner emotions to the fullest. Her representative works are not only numerous, but also cover a wide range of genres, fully demonstrating her diversity and strength in her acting career. In the future, we expect her to show more excellent acting skills in more works, bringing more touches and surprises to the audience. What TV dramas have you seen of Yang Zi, welcome to leave a comment to discuss!
