"Fox Demon King Power" broke the news that Chen Feiyu and Yang Chaoyue w...

Fox Demon Little Red Queen has long been a classic among Chinese national comics, loved by audiences for its unique storyline and charismatic characters. So when news of a live-action remake broke, fans waited with baited breath. Recently, some news about that remake has come to light, so let's take a look at the progress so far and the controversy it has generated.

The Moon Red Chapter, which has already completed filming, has been met with great anticipation. Actor Yang Mi and others have impressed with how well their costumes and looks have been recreated, which is a very good start for the live-action remake. Meanwhile, the Bamboo Leaves Episode starring Liu Shishi is still in the midst of intense filming, while the casting of the King's Power Episode has already begun preparations for the casting of the actors.

Recently an item of news has been rumored on the internet which has sparked quite a controversy. It was claimed that the lead roles for "The King's Right Chapter" had been confirmed, and that the male lead would be played by Chen Feiyu, Chen Kaige's son, while the female lead would be idol-born actress Yang Chao. Many people expressed skepticism when this news came out, but we can't help but remember that the crowd was also skeptical when it was announced that "Bamboo Leaves Chapter" would be starring Liu Shishi. Sometimes, seemingly unbelievable news can become reality instead.

The male lead in The King Power Chapter is an iceberg hero with the identity of a genius young man from a king power family, as well as the ultimate weapon of the Yi Qi Dao League, one of the strongest Dao soldiers. He possesses both the temperament of a rich young master and a cold appearance, and this sense of overbearing total adolescence is very attractive. Chen Feiyu once starred as the aloof computer genius programming teenager Li Rui, and in that drama, he managed to establish a handsome and high-cool image, which became one of the most successful works in his acting career. Therefore, for Chen Feiyu, "The King's Power Chapter" will be a very good opportunity to help him redeem his acting image. Rumor has it that he is now close to the producers and is proactively trying to get cast in the drama, and that he is focusing on this role despite the opportunities to work with other big IP dramas such as Goose Factory. Additionally, Gong Jun, the original author of Fox Demon Little Red Queen, allegedly recommended Chen Feiyu for the role, which makes the news even more credible.

In contrast to this is the issue of the female lead Yang Chao's acting skills. After filming "Seven Times Auspicious", her acting skills have been questioned, from high expectations to "poor reviews across the net", her performance shows the gap between idol actors and professional actors. Especially in the scenes that require emotional interpretation of sadness, pain, resentment and other emotions, Yang Beyond seems to be difficult to fully commit to, her performance is often felt too superficial, difficult to arouse the audience's empathy. In this regard, the actor needs to fully release her emotions while maintaining the aesthetics of the scene. However, Yang Beyond's performance seemed more like a heavy use of eye drops than a true expression of emotion.

While this will be the first time that Chen Feiyu and Yang Beyond have worked together on a drama, they have no prior acting experience together. However, both had acting issues that made the pairing seem less appealing. Some netizens have tweeted and cannot help but question the decision. They worried whether the choice was wise, after all, both Chen Feiyu and Yang Beyond had some issues with their acting skills and reputations. Some even suggested that Chen Feiyu follow his father, Chen Kaige, in making movies, as being paired with someone whose acting skills leave something to be desired could limit his career prospects. Entertainment gossip outlets have also questioned this, suggesting that the news is unbelievable and, if true, could jeopardize the success of this IP remake. Whether the director and investors are aware of the situation has also become a question for many viewers.

Chen Feiyu and Yang Chao, as the male and female lead actors, currently have some problems with their acting skills and reputation. However, their efforts to improve their acting skills are positive and this is encouraged. However, they need to win the audience's approval anyway, as a poor remake may make them put in hard work but ultimately lose out. In a live-action remake, it is not only important to respect the original, but also to fulfill the audience's expectations, which is the key to success.

While the news about Chen Feiyu and Yang Beyond starring in "The King's Power Episode" has sparked some controversy, the real answer will be determined by their performances and the audience's feedback. We look forward to seeing them break through their acting challenges and present an unforge
