Mai Chenghuan passed away and Yang Zi said an emotional farewell to "Che...

The special movie and Yang Zi's farewell message have added more expectations to the drama. The 106-day-long filming has finally come to an end, and Yang Zi has moved countless netizens with her full of reluctance and memories.

As the lead actress, Yang Zi's posting her farewell triggered a warm response. She told us about Mai Chenghuan's growth trajectory from the alley to the hotel to the wheat field in a heartfelt and simple way, which made people can't help but have a deeper understanding of the drama and the character. Yang Zi's outstanding acting skills and face value online, coupled with her low-key and unassuming personality, have been highly praised, not only winning the hearts of netizens, but also the recognition of her peers.

The finalization of "A Tale of Acacia" means that the drama has officially entered the post-production stage, which makes people look forward to it very much. It is believed that this drama will bring more surprises to the audience after it is aired. At the same time, Yang Zi's heartfelt farewell also showed us her love and respect for her role, which makes us more excited about the quality and viewing value of the drama. We hope that "The Book of Happiness" will meet the audience soon, so that we can experience the story of Yang Zi and Mai Chenghuan together. We are looking forward to more exciting performances and emotional collisions that this drama will bring us in the future.
