Xiao Zhan was maliciously reported as a trafficker, and some media delib...

The recent news of Xiao Battle being reported by his real name has caused quite a storm. I have to say, Xiao Battle is really too bad. Throughout the content of the report are used "suspected" "may" words, not a real evidence, all based on subjective conjecture. Xiao Zhan's movie is about to be finalized, and the schedule has been put on the agenda. In the end, how many people are in a hurry? Xiao Zhan from bursting into popularity to now, it can be said that every step is like walking on thin ice, careful. He can't say a wrong word, can't do a wrong thing, any small action is put under the eyes of the public.

He is sober and self-aware, self-disciplined and self-reflective, and is so low-key that he can't keep a low profile! Coming from hell, he treasured every step forward even more. He was watched by millions of eyes and benchmarked by countless homes. He was almost impeccable in very small details, and it was even more unlikely that he would be negligent in matters of principle and bottom line. This report is clearly a product of infighting in the pink circle. In addition, according to the screenshots that have been circulated online, the tax authorities have already responded, and the processing status is accepted as complete, indicating that after verification, Xiao Zhan has no problems.

Certain media and bloggers deliberately coded the tax authorities' reply and time to earn traffic, trying to take the opportunity to mislead the netizens and throw dirty water on the innocent Xiao Zhan. Just as some bloggers analyzed. Although the state has given citizens the right to report, the abuse of the right to report is a waste of national public resources. This kind of behavior promotes crookedness. You can report whoever you want to report if you see someone you don't like, but the person being reported needs a lot of time and energy to adduce evidence to prove his or her innocence.

For Xiao Zhan such a public figure, but also by the uninformed masses malicious speculation, even if the truth is finally revealed, but also on the innocent artists will have a negative impact. In addition, as a malicious dissemination of such fake news media is malicious rumor-mongering contributors. Call on the relevant state departments to carry out relevant legislation on this. For those who abuse the right to report, give the appropriate punishment measures. False reports and false police are the same, are a waste of national public resources, should be severely punished!

Xiao war countless said "want to rely on their own, fight not to take the wrong way". In fact, this is the king of his long red! Rely on their own ability to go up, only to know to go farther, stand more stable! Xiao Zhan burst into the red for five years is still the existence of the internal entertainment without a substitute meal, over the top is not only the business ability, but also his character. The next five years he will still be there, we witness together.
