Xiao Zhan’s movies were featured on CCTV6. Xiao Zhan’s works and endorse...

Mid-Autumn National Day double festival is coming, 8 days long vacation, some people choose to go out to travel, some people choose to get together with friends, and home to watch a few movies is also a very pleasant thing.

And this small holiday accompanied by everyone of course, Xiao Zhuo's "Immortal Exorcist", I can not remember this is the "Immortal Exorcist" on the CCTV6 for the first time, and this time, the six princesses on the "Immortal Exorcist" review is: we use fantasy to create a dream, followed by the courage of the adventure, to catch the sudden self!

The Immortal Exorcist is Xiao Zhan's first big screen work, the performance is inevitably youthful, but also because of this youthful tactlessness, performance of Zhang Xiaofan's great wisdom, with the mortal body to achieve extraordinary dreams.

Xiao Zhan's performance at that time was more inclined to his inner sensibility, as well as his passion and dedication to his role.

Therefore, whether it is the blazing passion and clumsiness when he is secretly in love with his sister, or the dismay and helplessness when he is teased by his brothers and sisters, or the amazement when he sees the cold and frosty Lu Xueqi descending from the sky, the despair that is suppressed in his heart after the demonization explodes completely, and all of his hopes collapse in an instant,...... Xiao Zhan acted delicately and realistically, and his performance was meticulous and meticulous.

This movie is not only low investment and high output, and every time after CCTV6 broadcast will get the word of mouth and ratings double harvest, the audience like to watch, the discussion is high, naturally, will be repeatedly broadcast, which is also another proof of the long-tail effect of Xiao Zhan's work.

Every time Xiao Zhan's works are broadcast, there are always some voices questioning whether the data is really as advertised to the extent of the break.

Just now there are industry science: Xiao war's works and endorsement data is absolutely true, no matter how many pairs of eyes Xiao war's personal or works are supervised, why is there drama data so high, but no one to the artist business? Therefore the industry in some buy water behavior set in Xiao war, undoubtedly is very stupid and short-sighted ......

As the first and only two CVB break one actor after 90, Xiao Zhan only focus on the work, good works will not be buried, naturally attract a large number of passers-by into the scene, which is the biggest charm of Xiao Zhan's work.

Xiao war such a broken top stream, even if the closed door home sitting, rumors will be paved with attacks, if the works or endorsement data even a little bit untrue, and how can escape the industry and the size of the entertainment blogger's fiery eyes?

Although Xiao Zhan can't satisfy everyone even if he is so strict with himself, but his acting road has been planned very well, I believe that everyone will put themselves in his shoes and sympathize with him, understand that he is not easy to be alone in the entertainment industry.

The highs are not easy to come by, but Xiao Zhan has always presented a poetic and beautiful side, and I believe his second big screen work "Shooting Eagles" will bring endless surprises and pleasures to all of us!
