Yang Zi revealed that she had auditioned for "The Left Ear" but was elim...

Yang Zi revealed in a recent variety show that she had auditioned for "Left Ear" but was politely rejected by director Su Youpeng. The news attracted widespread attention, with many people expressing concern and discussing Yang Zi's acting skills and Su Youpeng's casting criteria.

In the program, Yang Zi said that she received the interview invitation very early and was very happy. However, after the first round of interviews, she was eliminated. Yang Zi said she was very lost at the time, but politely said goodbye to the director. For the reason why she was eliminated, Yang Zi didn't reveal too many details, but only said that she might not have met the director's requirements.

Director Su Youpeng also responded to the matter on the show, saying that he was a director for the first time at the time, and that he boasted about the casting just to show respect. He said, "Because there are only a few spots, but we don't want you to be at this age where you'll be hurt if you're treated very badly. So in principle we all try to be as polite as possible so that you feel respected." Su Youpeng's words also give a sense of his warmth and humanity, as well as his concern and care for young actors.

#Although Yang Zi didn't get the chance to star in the movie at the #AllAI Creation Festival, she also said that it's too normal and doesn't hold a grudge against the director. She said, "It's normal for actors to be rejected, it's a natural thing in the industry." Yang Zi's response also makes people feel her maturity and professionalism. Public information shows that Left Ear is the first movie directed by Su Youpeng, starring Chen Du Ling, Ou Hao, Yang Yang, Ma Si Chun, Duan Bowen, Hu Xia and Guan Xiaotong. The movie achieved good box office and word-of-mouth after its release, and made more people know and like Yang Zi.

Although Yang Zi was unsuccessful in Zuo Er, her acting skills were still recognized by many viewers. In the years that followed, she continued to improve her acting and performance skills through constant hard work and study, and brought many excellent works to everyone. Her acting and performance styles have also become more mature and diverse, and she has been loved and recognized by more viewers.

In this industry, rejection and failure are very common things. However, a good actor should possess tenacity and indomitable spirit, keep trying and learning, and pursue their dreams and goals. Yang Zi is just such a good actress, her success is not by chance, but through continuous efforts and learning.

Yang Zi is expected to bring more excellent works in the future, so that everyone can see her even better performance and acting skills.
