Inside story of Sha Yi quitting the show, Yang Chaoyue was abandoned, Zh...

Shayi bids farewell to "Run for it"? It has been reported that ShaYi has maintained a close working relationship with LanTai. However, a recent piece of news has shocked fans - Sha Yi is about to quit "Running Bar".

The decision was not made overnight, but was the result of much deliberation and full communication between both parties.

Rumors about Shayi being kicked out and making way for a newcomer have been all over the internet, but we need to clarify that these drama-filled claims are not actually based on anything.

In fact, Shayi's exit was the result of a mutual agreement between the two parties, not what the rumors portrayed.

The years wait for no one, and Shayi has finally experienced the passage of time. For a once resolute runner, it may be difficult for him nowadays to withstand the intense exercise of Run for it again.

This is not a reflection of cowardice, but a respect for the health of the self.

As time flies, "Let's Run" used to be a hit for a while, however, with the program's introduction and the departure of some celebrities, its popularity has long ceased. Perhaps, it is this change that keeps happening, so that Sha Yi and other stars have made new choices.

1, Sha Yi's dream of variety art has not been extinguished, but instead chose a new stage - "Ace". The Blue Channel executives have full confidence in him and believe he will continue to shine on the new stage.

2. Yang Beyond understands the volatile nature of the entertainment industry and therefore made a sensible decision to focus on the path of accumulating wealth quickly. Currently, she is exploring various opportunities to make money and is no longer limited by her past entertainment dreams.

During her participation in the acting program at the Yamashita Academy, Yang seems to be less attentive to her studies and fails to fully understand the true meaning of acting. This may have been part of the difficulties she encountered on her career path, but she chose to move forward positively and pursue a more stable financial source.

Today, Yang's decision-making is more practical, as she focuses on receiving commercial offers and actively participating in various entertainment programs. This varied career path has opened up a wider range of opportunities while breathing new life into her career.

Abandoning long-term planning, Yang has resolutely chosen to pursue immediate financial gains. She has adopted a practical strategy of focusing on her image and being active in the entertainment industry, continuing to create more opportunities for herself through the route of "face is the mountain, youth is the rice bowl.

1. Yang Beyond's successful transformation, her income surge, and the fact that she was even able to participate in two variety shows at the same time, proves that her new strategy has opened up more career paths for her to regain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

2. Zhang Linghe's donation was criticized? Today we will be discussing Jang Ling Hyuk's donation incident. In case you didn't know, he surprisingly donated 250,000 yuan, only to be accused of donating too little.

He posted an esoteric quote on Weibo, "When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is also gazing into you." It was a bit profound, but it was his response.

The main reason people criticize Jang Ling Hyuk is because they believe that celebrities, as beneficiaries of society, should take on more responsibility than ordinary people when they need to give.

This is not a moral abduction, but it is because the amount of donations made by the average artist is at the million dollar level, and even for lesser known artists, the amount of donations usually exceeds 500,000 dollars.

In comparison, Zhang Linghe's donation of 250,000 yuan does seem a bit inadequate.

Zhang Linghe has been publicizing himself as an upcoming starlet, or a second-tier star. Every time he participates in an event or records a short movie, he earns much more than 250,000 yuan.

This behavior seems a bit hasty. In addition, he has recently announced many business projects, which seems to contradict his previous statements.

Simply put, donating $250,000 anonymously would not attract ridicule, but Zhang Linghe's team also made a point of publicizing the matter, and it would be strange not to be criticized in this situation now. In other words, if you want to attract attention, you have to have the courage to be criticized, but to be secretly sarcastic after the fact is indeed a somewhat narrow-minded pattern.
