Wang Yibo watched 100 movies in a month and was forced to forget about f...

Recently, an actor who has worked with Wang Yibo broke the news in an interview, saying that Wang Yibo exposed himself to have watched 100 movies in a month during the last meeting and made detailed notes on the subplot of each movie, apparently preparing for the next work in a tight schedule. The news immediately triggered heated discussions among netizens, many of whom marveled at the degree of Wang Yibo's "movie mania", but at the same time, some people expressed doubts about the authenticity of this statement.

Some netizens quipped that if Wang Yibo attends events 10 days a month, he would have to watch 100 movies in the remaining 20 days, and would have to watch 5 movies a day, which means he would have to spend at least 12.5 hours a day watching movies. And that's not even counting the time spent taking notes! Is Wang Yibo really so "sleepy"? Or does he have some kind of "superpower" that allows him to watch multiple movies at the same time and absorb the content quickly?

But then again, as a popular actor, it's not uncommon for Wang Yibo to have a full schedule. Attending events, shooting advertisements, preparing for new works ...... all of these take a lot of time and energy. If you add the task of watching 100 movies, then he is not going to become "Superman"? No wonder some netizens said that he "several months do not enter the group at home to pick his feet", it seems that everyone is very envious of his "leisure" life!

Of course, there are some people who think that Wang Yibo's claim of watching movies may be a bit exaggerated. After all, the length of the movie is not fixed, usually about 90 minutes, plus the time to make notes, each movie must spend at least two hours. This makes the claim of watching 100 movies a month a bit untenable. But then again, if Wang Yibo really wants to learn all aspects of the film and television industry in depth, watching movie pulls is indeed a good way to learn.

Just as everyone is talking about it, there is news that Wang Yibo and Li Qin's new drama has been licensed. It seems that he is not completely idle, but is preparing for a new work in a low-key manner. Although there is not much stock on hand, it is always right to improve oneself calmly. After all, in the showbiz industry, where competition is fierce, a little inattention may get you caught on the beach by the latter wave. Wang Yibo's success today depends not only on his face value and luck, but also on his hard work and strength.

Overall, although Wang Yibo's claim of watching 100 movies in January is a bit exaggerated, it also shows his love and dedication to the film and television industry from one side. In this fast-paced era, it is not easy for him to calm down and study seriously to improve himself. Regardless of whether he sleeps and sleeps watching movies, exaggerating or just going through the motions, we hope that he will continue to maintain this spirit and bring more surprises to the audience in his future works. We also look forward to the success of his new drama, which will add another color to his acting career.
