Wang Yibo auditioned for the new film "The Godfather" and attended a mas...

To ask the circle who can roll the most, in addition to Wang Yibo, really can not think of anyone who dares to recognize the second! This dude is simply the "King of Rolls"!

A netizen reported that Wang Yibo has been listening to Prof. Hou Keming's master class with director Cheng Er since August 23rd. Who is Hou Keming? He is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the directing department of Beijing Film Academy! He praised Wang Yibo when the movie "Nameless" aired.

Wang Yibo's learning vigor is simply remarkable! Not only does he learn from professional teachers in acting, but he also asked Prof. Hou Keming to give him a master class. That's not all, he also worked with director Cheng Er to analyze classic films such as The Godfather trilogy, Lowlife, Shameless, and The Bastards.
The Godfather trilogy, Lowlife, Shameless, etc. Wang Yibo also knows how to draw split-screen, so he is simply an all-around learner!

There are not many young people in the entertainment industry who are as hardworking as Wang Yibo. He has already made remarkable achievements in acting, and has also shown extraordinary talent in music and dance. In life, he is also a sportsman, skateboarding, motorcycle all master. This is all because he always maintains his love and desire to learn, and constantly expands the boundaries of his talent.

Wang Yibo is known for his diligence. He knows that the only way to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry is to keep working hard. When he is filming, practicing dance, or learning something new, he always puts his heart and soul into it and strives to do his best. This respect for his work and high expectations of himself has earned Wang Yibo high praise in the industry.

Success never comes overnight. The best people in any environment have the humility to learn and take what others have to offer.

When commenting on Wang Yibo, many people would use the term "elite education". All the things he is interested in are taught by the most professional and authoritative teachers. He has invited world champions to teach him street dance, the fastest Yamaha motorcycle rider to teach him motorcycle, and the leading skateboarder in China to teach him skateboarding. In the face of the performance he is even more unambiguous, on the theater teacher one-on-one lessons, the Golden Rooster Award best director Cheng Er personally with the pull film, and recently also on the master class of Professor Hou Keming.

At the same time, the talent he shows is exactly what every teacher would like to see. He is like a little sponge constantly drawing nutrients. Whether it's working with director Cheng Er or communicating with Prof. Hou Keming, he regards it as a valuable learning opportunity. This kind of dedicated learning attitude has allowed Wang Yibo to accumulate a wealth of human resources for himself while making continuous progress.

Looking back on Wang Yibo's growth history, it is not difficult to realize that it is not by chance that he has been able to obtain guidance from great figures in various fields. Behind this is his love of learning, respect for his work, and cherishing of his talent. It is because of these excellent qualities and continuous efforts that Wang Yibo has traveled so steadily and far in the entertainment industry.

Look at Wang Yibo now, he has already made a name for himself in the entertainment industry at a young age. His talent and hard work have been recognized by everyone and he has won himself countless fans. But don't forget that none of this fell from the sky. The sweat and hard work behind it is known only to him. He proves with his actions the saying: if you work hard enough, the whole world will make way for you!

Nowadays, the entertainment circle is the world of young people, and talented and hardworking young people like Wang Yibo are springing up. They have proved their value with their strength and injected new vigor into the industry. I believe that more young people like Wang Yibo will shine in the entertainment industry in the future!
