Yang Zi's crying scene in "Long Time Love" exploded in word-of-mouth. Ca...

Yang Zi's new drama "To Love for a Long Time" has achieved an excellent result of topping the emotional drama charts within 7 days of airing, and her challenging role as Huang Ying Zi has also gained favorable reviews from viewers. In the drama, her character of Huang Yingzi goes through the process of growing up from the age of 18 to 30, and the process shows Huang Yingzi's persistence in her dreams as well as her deep friendship.

Yang Zi's understanding and grasp of the role is very precise, whether it is a lost love aggrieved, funny and other emotional state, she can portray very vividly, let a person empathize with. She is very devoted to each role and does her best to portray the character in a more three-dimensional and realistic way. She said that what touched her most in the drama was the eternity of friendship and Huang Yingzi's persistence in her dream.

Although the plot is old-fashioned, Yang Zi's acting is natural, showing the emotional changes of her character to the fullest. Her crying scenes are so subtle that viewers are able to put themselves in Huang Yingzi's shoes and understand the character's inner world. Yang Zi's crying scenes in "To Love for a Long Time" have a really strong sense of immersion, which is even stronger after mixing and cutting them together, as if you can put yourself in the shoes of Huang Yingzi in every scene.

Although the initial broadcast of the heat of the drama did not meet expectations, but with the passage of time, the drama by more and more people's attention, the effective broadcast volume exceeded 400 million. It can be said that the performance of Yang Zi in this drama is quite successful, she successfully broke the image of the "national girl", showing the multi-talented side, but also proved her strength again!

Yang Zi's crying scene in "To Love for a Long Time" really left a deep impression on the audience. Through the mixed cuts, we are able to more intuitively feel the transformation of her emotions and the vicariousness of her crying scenes in different scenes. The painful crying in KTV shows the character's emotional loss and pain; the blow to her ideals in the workplace conveys the character's inner struggle and helplessness through her stoic tears; and the moving wiping of tears at her hairdresser's wedding shows the character's joy at friendship and reunion.

Yang Zi's acting is subtle and layered, and she is able to show her character's inner world through her eyes, expressions and tears. This powerful sense of immersion allows the audience to better understand and empathize with the character's emotional changes. Every emotion was accurately expressed to the audience through her tears, leading them into the world of the character. Her performance was sincere and contagious, and one could not help but praise her acting skills.
