Xiao Zhan’s latest itinerary for 2024 is coming and he will go abroad to...

Xiao Zhan 2024's latest schedule is coming, will go out of the country, to show the world the charm of the East!

Recently, in just after the Chinese New Year occasion, another Xiao Zhan's powerful good news came, let countless fans surprise, but also have sighed this time Xiao Zhan to go out of the country, to the world to show his style again.

And the good news is, xiao zhan will participate in 2024 February 23rd held 2 Milan fashion week exhibition, as the brand's global spokesman, xiao zhan will participate in the Tods held in Milan fashion week exhibition, and the time is held in the local morning 9.30 am, the domestic time is 16.30 pm, the second one is invited by the Gucci, as the same is the global spokesman of the Xiao Zhan will also participate in the Milan Fashion Week exhibition organized by Gucci, and the time of holding is 15.00 minutes in the local afternoon, and the domestic time is 22.00 minutes in the evening!

It must be said, Xiao Zhan to participate in the two brands organized by the 2024 Milan Fashion Week exhibition, but also his boundary-breaking, cross-border, break into the world of another witness, and in the 2023 Milan Fashion Week, Xiao Zhan can be said to be to the world to show our excellent young Chinese artists style, he presented confidence is engraved in his bones, his blood inside the Chinese etiquette, but also has the Chinese culture, but also has the Chinese Therefore, Xiao Zhan 2023 Milan Fashion Week in the perfect interpretation of the Oriental charm at the same time, but also with his cultural self-confidence, presented the great culture of the open embrace to accept the world's sense of openness!

Of course, for Xiao Zhan who has long had a world-class influence, his 2024 overseas journey, one thing can be said is also very clear, that is to the world again Chinese youth excellence at the same time, Te will certainly make his reputation in the global fashion industry and even the world more resounding.

In addition, countless netizens after learning that Xiao Zhan will participate in the 2024 Milan Fashion Week, in the surprise, but also have left a message that said, looking forward to the superstar once again shine in Milan! Happy for the sea shrimp!

From the fans that unanimous period voice, in fact, can really feel, for Xiao Zhan's upcoming appearance in the Milan Fashion Week exhibition, everyone is incomparably excited.

Admittedly, to this day Xiao Zhan's global influence, whether in the fashion world or, or in fact, are more and more people's attention, and this is also Xiao Zhan by virtue of their own excellent widely recognized around the world as a result of this participation in the 2024 Milan Fashion Week exhibition, there is no doubt that Xiao Zhan in the world on the big stage more and more dazzling a witness, I believe that in the Milan Fashion Week, Xiao Zhan will once again give more and more global fashion week. It is believed that Xiao Zhan will once again leave a deep impression on more people around the globe during this Milan Fashion Week! #Xiao Zhan
