Yang Zi suddenly announced the good news. Congratulations! I have finall...

Hey there, gossip fans! Today I bring you a delightful and big news, yes, it's Yang Zi's official announcement! The whole network has exploded, do you feel it? Congratulations ah, finally waited for this day, like waiting for the delivery of goods, the mood is quite excited! Without further ado, let's take a look at what this is really good news!

First of all, we have to review Yang Zi's acting career, which is a legend! Since her debut as a child star, Yang has been radiating youthful light like a little sun. Remember when she played the cute, well-behaved Xia Xue in Family Guy? She was already the center of attention at that time!

But Yang Zi didn't stay under the aura of a child star, she went all the way and her acting skills soared! From Qiu Yingying in "Ode to Joy" to Hu Xiangxiang in "Battle in Changsha," she's been a great actress in every role she's played!

She has also starred in a series of blockbuster movies such as "Green Clouds" and "The Legend of the White Snake", and her achievements have been remarkable! And most recently, she officially announced the good news that she is scheduled for the Spring Festival in the movie "Hot Hot Hot"... it's just a wave of good news... Yang Zi is really a lucky girl in the entertainment industry! But then again, what exactly is this official announcement? According to reliable sources, Yang announced a brand new variety show to join! Oops, that's got gossip fans itching for more, so hurry up and tell us the name of the program so we can guess what it is!

Some netizens speculated that it may be a reality show, after all, Yang in the variety circle is also a little famous ah, acting, popularity is bursting, on the variety show of course is the water to the drain! There is also speculation that it may be a music program, because Xiao Yang's singing voice is not good ah, singing first-class, can hold the whole scene!

Of course, there are some gossip fans speculated that it may be a challenge program, after all, Xiao Yang is usually a brave and impetuous girl ah, to participate in the challenge program can certainly get out of the way, so that the audience to see a different her! Regardless of the type of program, I believe that as long as there is Yang's joining, there will certainly be countless fans to support ah! After all, she is a million people, whether it is acting skills or face value, are the existence of a first-class great!

Finally, let's look forward to Yang Zi's new program together! I believe she will bring us more surprises and touches! However, I hope she won't forget her acting career, after all, acting is the hard way! Come on, Yang, we'll always support you!
