Insiders revealed that Xiao Zhan’s resources are in the initial stage an...

Recently, online there are people in the know sent a video talking about some of the situation of Xiao Battle, especially Xiao Battle easily on the world trend of the first, starring in each of the works have got the audience's strong support, the people in the know another shortcut exposure Xiao Battle is still in the resource start-up phase, the real works of the "dividend period" has not yet arrived. It is worth mentioning that the informant revealed Xiao Battle "Eagle Shooting Heroes" and "Hidden Sea Biography" are in the Xiao Battle "dream of the sea" before the determination, with the play completely "out of the circle", which means that the next Xiao Battle is immeasurable.

It is reported that people familiar with the exposure of Xiao Battle's resources are still in the beginning stage, has not reached the works of the "bonus period", this is because Xiao Battle's new movie "Eagle Shooting Heroes" and "Hidden Sea Biography" are very early to determine, with Xiao Battle's "dream of that piece of the sea" fire completely "out of the circle! "The next Xiao Zhan, destined to get a lot of good resources. In fact, we all see in the eyes, Xiao Battle development prospects are good, before and after Xiao Battle participated in a very large number of activities and ceremonies, "CCTV" also take Xiao Battle and Lei Jiayin, Zhang Yi and a number of classic quality actors and actresses, has been enough to illustrate the problem.

From the fans' reaction, we have expressed their expectations and support, now Xiao Zhan, starring in the works are big productions, "Eagle Shooting Heroes" director is Tsui Hark, portraying the role of "Guo Jing", "Hidden Sea Biography" needless to say, are loud and clear big productions, the result of the combination of strength is self-evident. Xiao Zhan is an excellent strength actor, but also a very appealing top stream, and Xiao Zhan cooperation will not be disappointed.

In short, thanks to the recognition and expectation of the seniors, Xiao Zhan is an excellent strength actor and positive energy idol, I believe that the next Xiao Zhan can bring more good works.

Xiao Zhan is too great, the future can be expected.
