"The Storm Chaser" hit Li Qin and Wang Yang shouted that Wang Yibo would...

Recently, the TV series "Wind Chaser" is on the air, with a tight plot and online acting skills of the actors, attracting a large number of viewers' attention and love. In a recent live broadcast, the lead actors Li Qin and Wang Yang brought a unique interaction, which triggered netizens to watch.

During the live broadcast, the hilarious interactions between the brother-sister duo of Li Qin and Wang Yang made people laugh. Li Qin accused his brother Wang Yang of being a "Tea Brother" on the set, while Wang Yang responded innocently, and the bickering between the two was even more exciting than the drama. What's even more exciting is that they even shouted out to Wang Yibo in the live broadcast that if the airplay of "The Wind Chaser" could break 10,000, the three of them would dance together!

This news immediately triggered a hot debate among netizens. Many fans have expressed their support, hoping that "Wind Chaser" can break 10,000 soon, so that they can see the wonderful picture of the three main actors dancing together. At the same time, many netizens also said that Li Qin and Wang Yang are bickering siblings in and out of the theater, and this kind of close relationship is really enviable.

Having said that, the plot of The Wind Chaser is almost halfway through, but the excitement has not diminished at all. Whether it's the tense plot development or the superb acting skills of the cast, it's all been a treat for viewers to watch. Especially the brother-sister duo of Li Qin and Wang Yang, their interactions in the drama are highly anticipated. That said, Wang Yang's character look is really cool this time!

Storm Chasers is a great drama to watch. Not only does it have an exciting plot and a great cast, but it also has the hilarious brother-sister duo of Li Qin and Wang Yang bringing fun times to everyone. Let's look forward to "Wind Chasers" to break the 10,000 airplay soon and see the three leads dancing together!
