Yang Zi was captured by fans on the set of filming. She was dressed in a...

Recently, this time, the entertainment circle actress Yang Zi's resources can be said to be flourishing, from last year, Yang Zi has taken over a number of TV dramas, has been in the shooting, there is a "long time love", "Cheng Huanji", "green hairpin line" and so on, and just at the beginning of this year, Yang Zi starred in a big heroine TV series "national color fangzhua", the top stream of the status of the female star can be seen!

In fact, Yang Zi walked to today, it is not easy, when with "family children" fame, Yang Zi is a household name in the domestic child star, but because of the age problem, Yang Zi was forced to leave the acting circle for a long time, in the academic efforts, good in Yang Zi's own merit is good, successfully entered the Beijing Film Academy, and with the "Ode to Joy", "Qing Yunzhi" and other TV dramas, and gradually turned red!

In many people's impression, Yang Zi's image has always been a tall, thin, simple girl, whether it is "Ode to Joy" or "Honey Sinking Ashes as Frost", Yang Zi's stupid white sweet persona has been further amplified, so many viewers feel that Yang Zi is only suitable for playing vase, can't play a big heroine, but this kind of rumor, but recently Yang Zi personally overthrew!

For example, Yang Zi recently took over the role of the "national color Fanghua", is about living in the Tang Dynasty heroine He Weifang, all the way through the trials and tribulations of the growth of the story, and from the current show's road, Yang Zi's make-up, the atmosphere of the crew are very good, and not long ago there are netizens photographed the look of Yang Zi on the scene!

It is not difficult to see from the photos, Yang Zi wearing a set of Tang Dynasty ancient costume, light green cloak and Tang Dynasty unique hair accessories, set off the whole person is very outstanding, especially in the green brick green tile paved corridor, giving people a kind of dream back to the Great Tang Dynasty feeling!

Obviously, Yang Zi is also very satisfied with her makeup, and she kept looking down at her clothes and spinning in circles on the set, with a very cute expression.

In the formal shooting, Yang Zi sat in the Tang Dynasty carriage, giving a very noble feeling, there are many netizens who saw this photo, said that if you do not know Yang Zi acted He Weifang, but also thought it was Yang Guifei, after all, the Tang Dynasty to fat for beauty, Yang Zi's dress, as if it also set off their own body is very plump!

Of course, personally, "National Color Fang Hua" this drama, in clothing and modeling, definitely spent a lot of thought, Yang Zi body clothes, even in the Tang Dynasty, only a few aristocrats can wear, but similar to the Tang clothing such as clothing, wearing in Yang Zi, it is indeed very good-looking, and even if Yang Zi can He Weifang this role to shape the role of a good, for their own future development is also very favorable!
