The Purple Man has a new love, Xu Kai and Yang Zi’s official announcemen...

There's no such thing as too early or too late in love, just like the moment when Mai Chenghuan met Yao Zhiming, it was just right.
The recent urban hit drama "Cheng Huan Ji" starring Yang Zi and Xu Kai has become the fastest modern drama to break 5 million in 2024 before airing, which is a truly glorious capper!
Xu Kai, who plays the male lead Yao Zhiming, is in his first CP with Yang Zi, whose dramas all drive the male lead.
Fucha Fu Heng, who came out of The Yan Xi Raiders, traveled to modern times and turned into Yao Zhi Ming, the belly-black president.
Adapted from Yishu's novel of the same name, The Book of Cheng Huan tells the story of Mai Cheng Huan, a 95-year-old girl who experiences and feels confused and redeems herself in love, family and work.
The official release states that family members should bear each other's burdens and care for each other, so let's explore the love and entanglement in Chinese family relationships.
Let's explore the love and entanglement in Chinese family relationships and see how she gradually moves from "being loved" to "fulfilling herself", and ultimately loves herself.
Yang Zi plays the female lead Mai Chenghuan, a Shanghai girl who works in a hotel.
Initially, she has a designer who calls himself "Shanghai Drift", her boyfriend Xin Jialiang.
She has been in a relationship with him for three years, and Mai Chenghuan has been indulging in her own selfishness as she spends her money to buy things for him, which he gladly accepts without the slightest sense of guilt.
Until, a chance opportunity Mai Chenghuan found out the boyfriend's secret, he is not what "Shanghai drift" but a proper rich second generation.
The moment is simply overturned her cognition. He also became her ex-boyfriend.
It turns out that the boyfriend has been hiding his true identity, to this cynical attitude, immature mentality.
A kind of deception was born.
In addition to this, Mai Chenghuan's mom embodied that overly controlling and snobbish mentality to the fullest.
When her mom learns that Mai Chenghuan's boyfriend, Xin Jialiang, is actually a second-generation rich man.
Mai's mom starts peeking into Mai Chenghuan's computer again, and she's trying to set up all sorts of things. She can't wait for Mai Chenghuan and Xin Jialiang to get married soon.
She couldn't wait to show off her son-in-law to her old sisters.
The hotel where her daughter works is not far from her home, but she is personally transporting her daughter to and from the hotel.
A kind of suffocating total control over her daughter's life is always on.
Mai Chenghuan, as her name suggests, is both a lover and a follower of her parents. At the strong urging of her mother, Liu Wan Yu, Mai Cheng Huan is in a hurry to discuss marriage with her boyfriend, Xin Jia Liang.
When both parents made an appointment to meet and discuss their engagement.
Mai's parents dressed up grandly and borrowed a car for their daughter to fill the occasion, but Xin's family was deliberately slacking off, coming much later on purpose, and with a condescending and conspiratorial face.
Xin Jia Liang family's downward spiral, let Mai Chenghuan deeply humiliated, she decisively choose to withdraw from the marriage.
Eventually, because of the excessive intervention of Mai Chenghuan's mother, Liu Wanyu, the already financially unbalanced relationship became even more unbalanced, leading to their breakup.
There are many golden lines in the drama, all coming from Mai Chenghuan's mouth.
A 30 year old woman struggles to lose her way in marriage, relationship, career and family.
Working hard is the only "life-saving straw" she can grab.
By chance, Mai Chenghuan meets Yao Zhiming, played by Xu Kai.
They are not only superiors and subordinates, but also business partners!
Unexpectedly, he is the grandson of Mai Chenghuan's step-grandmother.
Being related to his own family, they work hand in hand at work and their feelings for each other quickly heat up!
Yao goes from being a refined egoist to enjoying life on earth.
And Mai Chenghuan grows into an independent and powerful woman after a series of events.
Some netizens commented:Chenghuan meeting you is the beginning of the story, going to the end is the joy of the rest of life.
From the first time I met you, to the two-way cure, from the eyes of the drama to the drama outside of the "one night Chengming".
It is not only a modern urban romance drama, but also a positive drama that focuses on the growth and inspiration of women.
In and out of the drama, Yang Zi and Xu Kai's on-screen pair of cp instantly became another beautiful landscape in the entertainment circle like an exploding spark.
Do you have a problem with this pair of CP? There is no different opinion, welcome to leave a message to exchange.
