With so many top stars coming and going, Xiao Zhan still looks comfortable

I've seen Xiao Zhan's two works in total, one is "The Sun is with Me" with Bai Baihe, and the other is "The Sea of Dreams" with Li Qin.

The overall feeling is that it's very comfortable to watch him act.

He is just a fresh and clean, big boy without any heart or bad intentions. If you like a person, you will be dedicated to you, and you will do everything you can to pay for it, without expecting anything in return. And it is the kind of payment that makes you have no psychological burden. Very sunny, no bitter drama. It's the kind of pure heartedness.

And even if the family origin is not good, family conditions are very poor, but also still live a very sunny upward. Positive and optimistic, never complain.

If he doesn't like someone, he will be cynical and fight to the end.

Always like to think of others, have a big brother style, have to bear, do not hold grudges. Even if his buddies have wronged him, he can stand in the other's point of view to resolve their own.

I have such a friend or lover beside me, is everyone's dream.

I don't follow the stars, I don't know his private life. But I do seldom see him on the internet for gossip and negative comments.

It's okay to be white and very pleasant to look at. Facing seniors, respectful and very polite, this is definitely his plus point.

Already being a top stream big star, he was still able to face everything around him in a very thorough and decent manner, without arrogance or impatience. It was indeed very rare.

Any star that can become a top stream naturally has his reasons. Cool appearance is one of the innate conditions.

But nowadays, there are many young people who are good-looking and handsome. Why can he become a top stream? Maybe it's a coincidence, but it must be the result of hard work and strong strength.

Cherish the present, cherish the present.

Do a good job in everything you do, act well in every work, and work steadily in order to be stable and far-reaching.

Keep up the good work, young man!
