26-year-old Wang Yibo once again unlocked a new identity. His resume was...

Novel so written, I would think too exaggerated, but did not expect Wang Yibo actually turned these into reality.

Recently, with the “wind chaser” hot broadcast, the drama Wang Yibo played Wei Ruolai is superb acting to harvest a large number of audience favorite.

It is only when you get to know him better that you realize he is a true all-around entertainer.

His life history is like a hot-blooded novel, simply more exciting than the novel!

In the Zhuhai Exam Racing, Wang Yibo completed the metamorphosis from two wheels to four wheels in just three days!

And he has a new identity of professional racing driver.

With such speed and passion, people have to admire his courage and strength.

And Wang Yibo's open resume can not be limited to this, like to play skateboarding, he made efforts to become a national skateboarding promotion ambassador.

He likes to play skiing, he made an effort to become an ambassador for the promotion of ice and snow sports.

Passionate about motorcycle racing, played a few years smoothly to take the Asian Road Championship Group D championship results.

And these are only appetizers for Wang Yibo's achievements.

As a street dance ID bean, he jumped the street dance from the small screen to the big stage, and also jumped into the film festival.

He also jumped into the movie festival, and used a movie to set off a national street dance craze.

He also deservedly became the ambassador for the promotion of China's top dancers.

Such a cross-border road, people have to praise his talent and perseverance!

As an actor, Wang Yibo has also lived up to his reputation, and his performance in “The Order of the Chen Emotions” in 2019 brought back memories.

With his outstanding performance, the movie he starred in during the first half of 2023 reached 2.8 billion dollars at the box office.

He was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 36th Golden Rooster Awards for Nameless.

Such achievements are enough to prove his strength and influence in the acting industry.

Besides acting, Wang Yibo is also a talented musician.

His songs with his own lyrics have broken the 40 million sales record the fastest, showing his talent and strength in music composition.

With such versatility, one can't help but marvel at his all-round talent!

As a star, Wang Yibo has always been at the forefront of fashion trends.

He has made a grand finale appearance at Paris Fashion Week as the Little Prince of Chanel, with his aura in full bloom.

At the same time, he has also had nearly 40 endorsements added at the same time, showing his great influence in the fashion industry.

Such a fashion icon, people have to fall for his unique temperament and taste!

Wang Yibo, an all-around entertainer that people can't ignore.

His life is more exciting than the hero of a novel, and he is only 26 years old this year.

Do you like the main character, who is a bull who can't get enough of it all day long?
