Yang Zi's weight loss method: She lost 22 pounds in 18 days and lost wei...

Yang Zi studio sun Yang Zi and dog piu boy portrait, and a few years ago, compared to Yang Zi thin a lot of piu boy fat a lot, in the arms of Yang Zi appeared to be bigger only, Yang Zi in the past few years of U.S. advanced, visible thin a lot of, from the previous “small fat Zi,” into the current name is true “. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do it! The netizens called good thin and beautiful, have begged for weight loss tutorials!

Actresses in the matter of weight loss are riveting, Yang Zi is no exception, because itself is fat body, coupled with a small round face, on the mirror really fat. Before not less because of fat scolded, netizens spit her not dedicated, body management is too poor. In fact, Yang Zi has been working very hard to lose weight just took a lot of weight loss detours. Now she finally proved herself to everyone with her own efforts.

Yang Zi had for weight loss fasting, a week without food, only drink water and nutrients to maintain the body nutrition, in addition to these two do not eat anything, a week to lose 8 pounds, but this weight loss method is only suitable for rapid weight loss, can not be used as a long-term weight loss method.

Yang Zi in the drama group when filming is also very spellbinding, she claimed that she every shoot a play to thin, thin the most ruthless is the “honey sunken embers such as frost” from into the group to finish shooting green, on the scale said actually lost 18 pounds! Really hard on themselves, every day high-intensity work, but also to lose weight, she said she was to the theater group to put dinner on the skid, so that the staff can not find people, do not eat purely to starve themselves thin.

After the close of work but also to go to the movement, almost every day is fixed to run for an hour, even if again tired also forced themselves to exercise, so through diet and exercise thin 18 pounds.

Yang Zi dieting to lose weight, can not hold on to sleep, endure not eat every day to keep more than 8 hours of sleep, the night is not eat at all, 4 hours before going to bed no longer eat, adhere to 18 days thin 22 pounds, really fast weight loss originator.

Yang Zi before there is a time to believe that early morning eating is not fat theory, she shared on the variety show early in the morning to start eating hot pot, because she felt that early morning meals are not fat, it seems that Yang Zi is losing weight to lose bewilderment, only heard of the night to eat long fat but also the first time I heard of early morning to eat things are not fat, stunned all the stars.

Yang Zi said she is very easy to gain weight, as long as you eat a meal is very obvious, so now weight loss has become her every day, almost all the year round to eat nutritious meals, commonly known as: eating grass.

Every day to restrain appetite, keep exercise, in order to have a good body that people praise, I have to say that the stars in order to be beautiful in front of the camera really pay a lot.

Slim down Yang Zi, every business is beautiful, rarely photographed black photos, before the double chin is no longer, replaced by a sharp melon face, features have become more three-dimensional, even the abdominal muscles have been practiced, thin into a piece of paper people really good on camera!

Now Yang Zi no matter private clothes or activity photo body are online, no longer once that “small fat purple”, even if the acting Tang beauty is a thin beauty. Shooting fashion magazines is also a fine one, fashion expression has become better, people thin really more photogenic.

The whole person has become very thin and durable, look at the weight loss before and after the Yang Zi finally understand a sentence: weight loss is the best medical beauty!
