A few years later, watching the grassroots girl Yang Chaoyue's successfu...

On the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar in 1998, in a small remote village in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Yang Chao was born. Her father was a bachelor in the village and her mother was a girl from the mountains. Her parents named her "Beyond" with high hopes that she would fly higher and farther. Yang Beyond spent an ordinary childhood, playing in the fields and helping her parents with farm work, just like any other child. This ordinary girl's life is ordinary, but it contains an extraordinary destiny. Yang Beyond is introverted, has poor expression skills, is not good at arguing with others, and her grades are always poor. During her elementary school years, she was bullied by her classmates, such as her desk was graffitied, her stationery was thrown away, and her lunch was snatched away, but she didn't dare to fight back or tell her teacher, and could only hide in a deserted place to secretly wipe her tears. Her mother was very strict with Yang, and her discipline was so tough that she hardly gave her freedom. Such repression makes her heart can't get calm and release, which directly leads to the lack of concentration in learning and a significant drop in grades. A child who should have been vigorous and growing toward the sun, but in the invisible shadow of fear, frustration. When she was 12 years old, Yang Beyond's parents divorced. This event was a huge mental blow to her, and her world completely collapsed. She lived with her father while her mother went out to work in Zhejiang to earn a living. The days she spent with her mute father were especially cold and lonely. Yang became even more reticent, hiding everything in her heart and seldom communicating with others. After graduating from junior high school, she gave up the opportunity to go on to higher education, no longer had any expectations for her teachers and classmates, and shut herself up in the wall of inferiority and negativity. After graduating from junior high school, Yang chose to give up further education, she just wanted to earn money to support herself through her own efforts. She worked for her mother in Shanghai and Zhejiang, but suffered a heavy blow due to her lack of social experience and repeated deception. When she was looking for a job as a waitress in Shanghai, she was tricked into having a fake medical checkup and wasted her money; the second time she tried to make money as a model, she was tricked into paying a hefty modeling deposit. This girl who was still at the starting stage of her life was unfortunately robbed of all her savings by the scammers, and this successive heavy blows to her life made her almost devastated in front of the cruel reality of the society, and she was plunged into endless depression and struggles. In 2016, Yang Beyond saw an advertisement recruiting members of a girl group, with the requirement of being able to sing and dance. Although she couldn't dance or sing, she still tried to go to the interview. Luckily, the newly established company was just trying to make a quick buck off the girl group craze and didn't have high requirements for members. With her good height of 165cm and sweet and attractive face, Yang Chao successfully passed the interview and got the first stable job in her life. For Yang Beyond, who has hit the wall many times in her job search, this easy job nourishes her like manna so that she can stop struggling hard, and it gives her the confidence to continue to move forward. Yang Beyond's days in the girl group were uneventful, but quite comfortable. Until one day, the company notified her to participate in the then very hot talent show "Creation 101", Yang Beyond didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that it was the company joking with her. How could she possibly go to a nationally recognized talent show? But the company insisted that she should give it a try. To everyone's surprise, Yang Beyond's naive character and youthful performance were loved by the public, and her popularity rose so high that she actually broke into the top ten all the way and eventually came out with an excellent third place. This ordinary girl, who never thought she would catch fire, had a comeback at a turning point in her life, a moment she never expected. She was surprised to find that it was possible for her to change her fate and realize her dream. After her debut, Yang surpassed the attention and resources she had never had in her life, but she did not become complacent, instead, she always kept a humble attitude and kept learning and improving. She diligently learns to sing and dance, devotes a lot of time and energy to practice, and strives to improve her acting skills. Yang Chao deeply realized that it is far from enough just to rely on a pretty face, in order to stand firm in the entertainment industry, she must constantly improve herself.
