Looking back at Yang Chaoyue's transformation from a working girl to a s...

If a person's luck is so good that he or she can directly change his or her fate against the sky, then we have to mention Yang Beyond.

In 2018, Yang Beyond participated in the girl group growth program "Creation 101", and as a result, she exploded all over the Internet and became a lucky girl.

That year, Yang Beyond was 20 years old, and she went against the odds from a rural working girl to a popular idol, which can be called a miracle of life.

Yang Beyond's popularity, but also once set off a phenomenal network carnival, as she is the "koi girl".

Three years later, Yang Beyond is still active in the entertainment circle, her success is not just lucky.


Yang Beyond's birth is very common, even a bit unlucky.

In 1998, Yang Beyond was born in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, in a very common rural family, her parents worked in a steel factory.

Her father named her "Beyond" in the hope that she could get rid of the difficulties of fate and become a promising person in the future, hoping that her daughter would become a phoenix.

However, when she was young, Yang Beyond didn't let her parents worry at all. She was lively but very rebellious, and her academic performance was not good.

Although she was not good at studying, she was sweet looking and had a very pleasing personality, so many boys were quite attracted to her.

Yang Beyond, who does not study well, not only makes her parents worry, but also gives her teachers a headache.

And the source of all this playfulness actually has a direct cause, that is, her parents divorced, she became a single parent family growing up.

When her parents divorced, Yang Beyond was 12 years old, which is the rebellious period of young girls, and she was even less interested in studying well.

Although Yang Beyond is not good at reading, but she is actually very filial and understanding, and later her father also said that she knew how to sympathize with her parents since she was young.

In junior high school, Yang Beyond dropped out of school, one because the results are not good, but more important reason is to earn money to supplement the family, reduce the burden of the father.

So dropping out of school at a young age doesn't mean that Yang Beyond is not a good kid, maybe it's just the opposite.

But after dropping out of school in front of Yang Beyond is a huge reality, no culture without a skill, Yang Beyond can only embark on the road of working.

After entering the society, Yang can only start from the bottom of the work, she went to the clothing factory as a female laborer, and then went to the restaurant as a waitress.

Along the way, Yang Beyond experienced the bitterness and bitterness of life, even her father said that she had suffered a lot at that time.

It is said that the children of poor families are early starters, Yang Beyond's early entry into the society to work and earn money is also because of the family environment is forced.

As she said later after she became famous, "I don't want to drag my father down."

The days of working are boring and hard, and what makes her most helpless is that she can't see the hope of the future, which is not a long-term thing for a little girl.

Until a chance encounter, the trajectory of Yang Beyond's destiny began to change quietly.


In 2016, Yang Beyond signed up for the girl group talent competition organized by Wenlan Culture.

Unlike many girls who want to become a star, Yang Beyond signed up at that time because she was able to give 2,000 dollars of living expenses, and she was also provided with food and accommodation.

So, Yang Beyond took the mentality of giving it a try and participated in the talent show, not realizing that good luck started to come to her head.

At that time, Yang Beyond had no talent, no high education, and no background, so it was as difficult as heaven to be selected.

But fate began to favor her, Yang Beyond precisely because of the great contrast between beautiful looks but no talent, was a hit and became a trainee.

From then on, Yang Beyond and seven other girls formed the group "Ball Baby", and then began training in dance and music.

After the training, the members formed a female singing group under the name of CH2, of which Yang Beyond was one of them, and officially started her debut.

Not only that, CH2 also released several singles one after another, Yang Beyond turned into a newcomer in the entertainment industry.

But the next opportunity, Yang Beyond really soared to the sky, directly changing his fate, which can be called the miracle of an era.

In 2018, Yang Beyond participated in the "Creation 101", and the result was that she, who was already mediocre, unexpectedly burst into the limelight.

Yang Beyond still has no talent in the program, she can't dance, she sings out of tune, and she loves to paddle, but she is out of the circle in the competition.

At first, many fans ridiculed he
