The fifth anniversary of Xiao Zhan's "The End of the Song" being release...

Five years ago in the summer, Xiao Zhan quickly rose to fame with his song “The song is all about Chenzhi” on the hit show “Chenzhi Order”, which was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. Today, we celebrate the song's fifth anniversary and witness Xiao Zhan's studio's action to protect his rights. Let's look back on that wonderful summer, while supporting Xiao Battle's path of defending his rights.

On July 22, 2019, Xiao Zhan's “The Song of the End of Chen” was released online. This song is not only Wei Wuxian's character song, but also a milestone in Xiao Zhan's acting career. It expresses Wei Wuxian's journey against the backdrop of his experience. With a beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics, Xiao Zhan's rendition touched countless listeners.

That summer, we followed Wei Wuxian's footsteps and felt his laughter and tears, bravery and persistence. The distinctive image of Wei Wuxian portrayed by Xiao Zhan has become an indelible part of our youthful memory. Every note of the song “All the Love of Chen” seems to tell the story of Wei Wuxian and touches our hearts.

However, Xiao Zhan's popularity is also accompanied by malicious slander and insults. Recently, Xiao Zhan's studio's action to protect his rights has attracted widespread attention. Shanghai Jiuzhe Law Firm, as Xiao Zhan's legal representative, announced that it would take legal action against malicious and defamatory internet users. This is not only the protection of Xiao Zhan's right to reputation, but also the purification of the network environment.

The law firm has preserved the evidence of the allegedly infringing users and plans to take them to court. These users include “super urgent Mary” and “thelasthole”, who have spread false information and made defamatory public statements on the Internet. The law firm will ask the court to order these infringers to apologize, compensate for moral damages and costs of defending their rights. At the same time, the Law Firm calls on the relevant online platforms to fulfill their regulatory obligations, block infringing content in a timely manner, and maintain a healthy and civilized online environment.

Xiao Zhan's fans are always his strongest backing. In the face of the rights defense action, fans have expressed their support and actively participated in the action, through providing clues of infringement and online solidarity, and the studio to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Xiao Zhan. The passion and support of the fans is not only the love and care for Xiao Zhan, but also the perseverance of justice.

Since becoming popular in 2019 with the role of Wei Wuxian in the Order of Chen Emotion, Xiao Zhan has won the love of countless fans with his outstanding face value, solid acting skills and humble personality. However, under the aura of fame and fortune, he has also faced the storm of public opinion. This action is not only the protection of Xiao Zhan's right to honor, but also an important turning point in his acting career. We believe that the victory in the battle to defend his rights will clear the haze on the road for Xiao Zhan, so that he can continue to shine in a fairer and healthier environment.

On the fifth anniversary of the song “The End of the Song”, the song has witnessed Xiao Battle's growth and the deep emotion between him and his fans. On this special day, let's cheer Xiao Zhan's righteous battle and wish him the best for his future development. We look forward to more wonderful performances of Xiao Zhan on the art road and meet a brighter future together.

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