Wang Yibo appeared at the documentary premiere, smiling throughout and s...

Wang Yibo recently attended the premiere of the pangolin protection documentary “The Protector Seeker”, showing off his fresh teenage image and sunny vibe. He wore a black wild rescue culture shirt with army green work pants and a black belt, his overall look was fashionable and simple, and his feet stepped on Black Warrior skateboarding shoes, which was simple and eye-catching.

During the live broadcast, Wang Yibo acted kindly and naturally, without any idol stance, with a big smile, showing the lovely side of a big boy next door. When talking about protecting the pangolin, his tone was soft and his words flowed smoothly, and it was clear that the filming of this documentary had given him a unique experience. He exudes tenderness when describing pangolins, mentioning that the fluff on their tummies is soft and cute, and that they are not aggressive, revealing his love and pampering for the little animals.

Wang Yibo humbly said he was only marginally helpful, giving credit to the staff involved in the rescue. He traveled through the mountains with the wild rescue team, riding motorcycles and using tools to look for pangolins, without any idol baggage, doing everything himself, showing a different version of himself.

The documentary emphasized authenticity, and Wang Yibo, as a top star, invested a lot of time in meaningful activities, demonstrating humility and a low profile, winning the praise of many staff members. In addition, Wang Yibo is not only a wild rescue ambassador, but also participates in the higher-profile exploration documentary “Discovery” to publicize China's natural landscape, delivering positive values and shouldering responsibility and accountability through practical actions.
