Yang Zi's new drama "National Beauty" latest Reuters wears a sack and lo...

With the final preview screening, Season 2 of “The Longest Love” has finally come to a successful conclusion.

With only 23 episodes, the plot had ups and downs, and many “dazzling” scenes were mesmerizing, but the deletion of scripts and changes in characterization were still regrettable.

Although the show was co-written, the second season still failed to avoid the “sequel effect”.

Although the broadcast effect did not meet expectations, there is a saying that “a thin camel is always bigger than a horse.”

Since the launch of the second season of “Long Xiang Si”, it has been at the top of the hotness charts, and the actual broadcast volume has exceeded 800 million.

Perhaps, many have forgotten that Season 2 is actually a no-cost deal. If we go back in time to before the first season aired, then the overall effect has exceeded expectations.

The loss of the second season of “Long Time No More” can be seen as a loss, and to some extent, it also has to do with the fact that all the actors had already shared the benefits during the first season.

If we're being honest, though, people weren't particularly optimistic about “Long Xiang Si” in its initial stages, and many are still teasing Yang Zi about her slipping resources.

Of the episodes she has yet to air, the most anticipated would be “National Color Fang Hua”, in which she co-stars with Li Xian.

After all, the pairing feelings of Yang Zi and Li Xian have long been tested by the market.

In “National Color Fang Hua”, the obvious interaction between them will not give people the feeling of “wanting both” as in “Long Xiang Si”.

Although both are costume dramas, “National Color Fang Hua” is very grounded, very different from Yang Zi's previous fantastical works.

In this drama, the makeup and costumes are a refreshing experience for the audience, and the Tang costumes are very fine indeed.

Surprisingly, the drama was filmed on location, showing a more authentic beauty compared to studio shots.

In Yang Zi's latest exposure photos, looking at the verdant reeds, actually feel a hint of coolness in the hot summer, just by watching, I can imagine the coziness brought by the gentle breeze.

In this context, Yang Zi's makeup is minimalist to the extreme, not wearing any jewelry on her head, wearing worn-out coarse cotton clothing, which is the real “sacks wear also beautiful”.

Although wearing hole shoes, but still looks very classical flavor. The piles of clothes and wooden buckets next to them seem to be in the midst of punishment.

This image of her sitting on a wooden plank doing laundry oozes a sense of brokenness, and she looks so much thinner, and the crushed hair falling from her forehead adds a bit of emotion to the vibe.

In seeing her alongside her supporting cast, I finally realized why people say there's a disconnect between actresses and ordinary people.

Despite the similarity in dress, their identities need little explanation and they are clearly recognizable from the first glance.

Yang Zi, with her fair and delicate complexion, looks particularly weak, as if she is a young lady from a family who has suffered a misfortune, like a “dirty bun”, while the person next to her looks much darker and thinner.

The audience is finally able to clearly distinguish between a lady and a maid!

In this drama, Yang Zi really thin a lot, from the exposure of a variety of footage, she looks very slender, draped in empty clothes is even more obvious.

In fact, as seen in Long Xiang Si, Yang Zi is more suited to fresh and lightweight outfits, whereas the green dress she wore in the role of Hao Ling looked rather bulky.

In “National Color Fang Hua”, Yang Zi's figure was much thinner compared to before, and even when she wore a cloak in the cold winter, she still looked extra lightweight.

Now that “National Color Fang Hua” is about to finish filming, I'm already very excited for the drama to go live.

Yang Zi and Li Xian are really a market-tested couple, and they look very much like a couple just by standing together.

With the upcoming conclusion of “National Color Fame,” news is coming out about Yang Zi's next film.

According to some sources, she will be teaming up with Hu Ge in Tree of Life. If this information is true, one really looks forward to the sparks between them.

At the previous Magnolia Awards, Hu Ge won his second Visual Impresario and Yang Zi was nominated for Best Actress, so the bond between the two of them can be considered deep.
