"National Beauty" Yang Zi and Li Xian reunited in the Tang Dynasty and r...

Li Xian and Yang Zi, the “boyish couple”, have teamed up again for the much-anticipated costume drama “National Color Fang Hua”, five years after their first collaboration on the hit drama “Dear, Love”. The drama tells the story of a business war under the flourishing era of Tang Dynasty, showing the legendary experience of the two working together in business and pursuing their careers.

In terms of production, the drama team has strived to restore the prosperous scenery of the Tang Dynasty by building several new scenes and constructing a grand set of 70,000 square meters. At the same time, each set of costumes was carefully designed and historically examined, with 1,500 sets produced, demonstrating outstanding quality and striving for a perfect combination of history and art.

Director Ding Ziguang's previous works such as “The Next Stop is Happiness” and “In the Name of the Family” have enjoyed a good reputation, and his tacit understanding with Li Xian has raised expectations for the drama. Although “National Color Fang Hua” has yet to be aired, the number of reservations on major platforms has already exceeded one million, showing its great potential and anticipation, or it may become the next hit drama!
