Yang Chaoyue transforms into an entertainment actor and will join the ca...

Yang Beyond, is really special then!

If we talk about face value and appearance, she definitely stands out among young actresses. However, she chose to enter the entertainment industry through a talent show, and it was really surprising that she still stood out despite not being particularly outstanding in singing and dancing.

What's more, Yang Beyond became the idol with the highest traffic volume during the same period, with a steady stream of resources to follow. Although her acting skills still need to be improved, her successive appearances as the female lead, with partners who are all powerful seniors, have raised great expectations.

But recently her hot searches are not too frequent. Except for a brief cameo in a drama by Yu Zheng in a cold and clear role, she has hardly appeared in the public eye.

Today suddenly came the happy news that she will be joining the TV version of King of Comedy! The drama is adapted from Stephen Chow's classic movie and is scheduled to produce 30 episodes.

When this news was released, it immediately caused a heated discussion among netizens.

For her friends who appreciate her and viewers who like her appearance, this is undoubtedly a big surprise!

Yang Beyond is working hard to learn acting after all, and after honing her skills with small roles in multiple dramas, she has finally welcomed another big female lead work that belongs to her.

This drama is already getting a lot of attention with its adaptation of Stephen Chow's movie, and it's a great opportunity for the young actress.

So will Yang transcend into comedy with this drama? That remains to be seen!

Yang Beyond, who is ready to go all out, shared another selfie.

Her casual black lace dress sparked controversy among some netizens, who were discussing, “Is Yang Beyond playing with fringe style? It's not so bad to do this in order to keep fans, right?”

In fact, if you take a closer look at Yang Beyond's expression, you will realize that she doesn't care about these comments at all. She chose the dress entirely out of her own aesthetic standards.

And the two photos on her cell phone are also very cute, gracious and natural.

The fact that people can have different opinions shows that Yang Beyond's body is really outstanding, and she is curvy at a young age.

During a live broadcast, she sparked some controversy by taking off her apron. But there is actually nothing wrong with this, and truly outstanding people know how to appreciate this display of confidence.

It's only those who are not pure enough inside who are prone to have wild ideas.

Let's look forward to Yang Beyond's next magnificent turn!

What do you think of her?
