Yang Zi, a well-known celebrity in the industry, will star in the ancien...

Yang Zi's new drama “National Color Fame” has just wrapped up, followed by news of a new drama “Family Business”. According to the breaking news, due to the postponement of Tree of Life, Yang Zi will be starring in Family Business to fill the schedule, which is expected to start in mid-October, with a filming period of 150 days. The news sparked widespread discussion.

Family Business is a costume drama about Li Zhenniang, a member of an ink-making family in the mid-Ming Dynasty. Her legendary experience of using ink as a blade and reviving her family in times of trouble.

Yang Zi is highly popular in the industry and many producers and writers are willing to cast her in their works. Her acting skills and serious attitude make her work even if there is no big explosion, but also can become a hit, investors in the film and television winter more inclined to choose her as “insurance”.

However, some netizens have questioned this, saying that Yang Zi's works are too concentrated, worrying about whether she can take care of the filming of many dramas, and even expressing concern about the similarity between the subject matter of The Family Business and The National Color of Fame.
