The anti-hypocritical master Yibo is online again. Have you ever eaten b...

That is, compared to previous years when Wang Yibo could be seen every week on “Everyday Up”, he has had significantly fewer opportunities to participate in variety shows in the past two years, almost making people forget that he is actually a master of anti-pretentiousness, yes!

Wang Yibo's new variety show, Explore New Frontier, was crafted by Discovery Channel's international production team and is his first outdoor exploration program. The program shows Wang Yibo's fearless courage as he challenges himself in extreme environments with a number of explorers.

After the tropical rainforest, the latest program content is to challenge the snow mountain, I did not expect Wang Yibo appeared more serious plateau reaction, usually do not like to say hard in front of the camera, this time his lips are purple! Fortunately, he later slowed down, and finally succeeded in arriving at the finish line.

In the program, the reporter interviewed him when asked about the feelings of recording the program, asked him if he felt that he had never suffered in his life. Unexpectedly, Wang Yibo replied seriously, “I've eaten,” but then asked, “Do you know bitter melon?” It's so cute that a moment that could have been a fan abuse moment was broken by him being the anti-pretentious mastermind that he is!

And look at his expression when he responded seriously, it really made people laugh!

Wang Yibo's anti-pretentiousness is not the first time. At the premiere of Exploring New Frontiers, when company boss Du Hua said he cried watching this program, Wang Yibo responded calmly, “That's not easy!” Totally not showing his boss any mercy!

This is also a good time to mention Wang Yibo's classic quotes from his time on “Everyday Up”. When the program team created a sense of sadness by stating that he was the only one who went to enjoy the flowers, Wang Yibo immediately responded, “Aren't you people?” It is evident that he still loves to dislike.

When he likes motorcycles, he was asked, “You can tell your enlightenment by looking at where you enter the corner and press the line, do you think that's true?” He immediately responded, “Can't tell.”

In “This! Is Street Dance, he was asked by the PD, “If you were in a parallel world, what would you want yourselves in that world to do?” As a result, Captain Wang said, “None of our business, do what you like!” It directly ended the emotional moment!

Still on “This! Is Street Dance, when asked what he would like to say to Wang Yibo as a child, he refused to be melodramatic and immediately replied, “Nothing!!!”

So that's how Wang Yibo doesn't internalize and refuses to be melodramatic, and that's what makes him different!
