Yang Zi's new drama male lead fights hard, Liu Yuning and him are not gi...

Yang Zi recently starred in the second season of “Long Xiang Si” alongside Tan Jian Ji, Zhang Eveni, and Deng Wei, which has just finished, and “National Color Fang Hua” with Li Xian has also wrapped. The new drama Tree of Life, which she originally planned to shoot, is now confirmed to be postponed due to lack of preparation, and it is heard that she is likely to take on another big female lead business drama Family Business, co-starring Wei Dahun, who became hot because of My Human Fireworks. There is also news that Liu Yuning is also competing with Wei Daxun for the role, so let's see who ends up romancing Yang Zi.

The Tree of Life was about to start filming, but because the project was so big, there wasn't enough time to prepare, and it will have to start next year at the earliest. Yang Zi's schedule for the second half of the year is therefore empty, and it just so happens that she was approached by the mid-October filming of Family Business, which is also an inspirational story about women's entrepreneurship, so there is a high probability that she will take over the role. The Family Business had previously approached actresses such as Wu Jinyan and Song Xi, but as soon as she heard that Yang Zi was available, she immediately locked her in, and the two sides are now in active negotiations.

The story of “Family Business” centers around the ink-making industry, incorporating elements of mansion fighting, business and craft inheritance. It is about the daughter of an ink master in the Ming Dynasty, who, after experiencing a huge change in her family, starts the road of ink making in order to revitalize the family business. With her talent and hard work, she works with the male lead to promote the inheritance of Hui ink. Yang Zi has just completed a big female drama titled “National Color Fame” which focuses on peony cultivation, so if she is cast in “Family Business”, she should be more comfortable in the role.

As for the choice of the male lead, the most clamored for at the moment is Wei Daxun, as he was particularly popular as the overbearing boss Meng Yanchen in My Human Flame. However, Liu Yuning is also actively pursuing the role. He just finished filming “Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain” with Zhao Ruth, and was originally going to join the cast of “Wind and Moon are Not Related” with Tian Xiwei, but because of funding issues it was temporarily put on hold, and now that the slot is free, he also wants to fight for the opportunity in “Family Business”.

In Family Business, the male lead is a character with both courage and wisdom, determined to revitalize his family's business, and Wei Daxun's high-strung demeanor is a particularly good fit for the role. Liu Yuning, who successfully portrayed the decisive Six Roads Hall master “Ning Yuan Zhou” in “A Thought of Guan Shan”, is also considered a good fit for the role in “Family Business”. With two powerful male actors vying for the role, who will end up being Yang Zi's leading man? Look forward to the official news!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
